15 Birds With Snazzier Hairdos Than You_brid lover.



Victoria crowned pigeon

Tambako the Jaguar / Getty Images 

Birds are naturally stylish. Their feathers come in an array of colors, textures, and shapes, and every now and then all the elements come together to form the perfect hairdo.

Some species have been graced with good hair for mating advantages, but regardless of the reason, all of these birds have head-turning tresses.

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Dalmatian Pelican

Dalmatian pelican

iliuta goean / Shutterstock.com

Big Bird's got nothing on the tousled feathers that top the Dalmatian pelican's head. The largest of all pelican species, Dalmatian pelicans can weigh as much as 30 pounds and live in wetlands in Europe, the Mediterranean, and China. The IUCN Red List classifies these birds as "near threatened," as populations are decreasing due to the drainage of wetlands, land development, and illegal hunting.

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Crested Partridge

Crested partridge

Jez Elliott / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

This tropical ground bird is found in the damp rainforests of Southeast Asia, but is classified as "near threatened," with a decreasing population due to forest destruction and trade. The male crested partridge has black feathers and sports a fluffy red pouf, while the female has green feathers and no pouf. Both have a bright red ring around their eyes.

Great Curassow

Great curassow

Krzysztof Wiktor / Shutterstock.com

Check out those curls! If you think this bird's crest indicates its attitude, you'd be right. The great curassow's range stretches from Mexico to throughout Central America, and they reside primarily in lowland areas. A large game bird that can weigh up to 10 pounds, they are also considered "vulnerable," with a decreasing population due to hunting and habitat loss.

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Andean cock-of-the-rock

chdwckvnstrsslhm / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

A surge of orange in the Andean cloud forests, this flashy male bird (whose name is "tunki" in Quechua) makes a show for the females during mating season. Like the Greasers of the 1950s, these coiffed males gather in groups to impress female birds with their hopping and dancing. After mating, these males don't stay around to help rear chicks. It's the national bird of Peru.

Himalayan Monal

Himalayan monal

Tambako the Jaguar / Flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

The national bird of Nepal (where it is called a "danphe"), the male Himalayan monal has a pretty ponytail of iridescent rainbow feathers. The female is less striking, with a brown body, blue eye patch, and white throat. Himalayan monals, a high-altitude species, have a wide range of calls and sounds that allow them to distinguish between aggression, alarm, and calls for mates.

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar pigeon

Dave Lundy / Flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

With its long locks that form a lion-like mane, the Nicobar is not your typical city pigeon. Believe it or not, this Southeast Asian species is the closest relative to the extinct dodo bird. These special pigeons are found in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and the Republic of Palau, where their numbers are decreasing and they are considered "near threatened." It can fly well and for significant distances, but it prefers to remain on the forest floor, foraging for food.

Eurasian Hoopoe


Super Prin / Shutterstock.com

Donning a black-tipped mohawk, the hoopoe is the definition of cool. Its zebra- striped wings are unmistakeable as it flaunts its feathers in Africa, the Mediterranean, and throughout Europe and Asia. The hoopoe’s large range has prevented the species from reaching a vulnerable status. They are found mainly in open areas, including pastures, orchards, and savannas—and you may be able to sniff out their nests, which reek from the stench of an antimicrobial secretion that the mother uses to paint her eggs. Once hatched, the babies "paint" the nest with feces.

Ornate Hawk-eagle

Ornate hawk-eagle

Ondrej Prosicky / Getty Images 

This eagle's faux-hawk is perfectly feathered—and he needs no gel; the crest becomes prominent when this South American eagle is excited or aggressive. In flight, the ornate hawk-eagle makes itself known with a loud whistling call. The bird is, however, able to remain inconspicuous when perched, which is important for successful hunting. It's known to hunt down prey twice its size. The species is listed as “near threatened” with a decreasing population.

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

Sulphur-crested cockatoo

Michael Korcuska / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

The expressive hairstyle of this large Australian parrot is almost larger than life—it can stretch over five inches in length. This cockatoo isn't only known for its colorful hairdo, it also has a harsh screeching call that distinguishes it from birds with musical talent. Sulphur-crested cockatoos are social birds, spending time in groups as they forage and keep a lookout for danger. These birds have been known to live as long as eighty years in captivity.

Silver Pheasant

Silver pheasant

Jareso / Shutterstock.com

A forest-dwelling bird of Southeast Asia, with a few populations introduced elsewhere around the world, the silver pheasant's hair is accentuated by its vivid red mask. Both male and female silver pheasants sport a red face and legs, while the male has a long white or silver tail and the female has a shorter brown tail. Adult pheasants reach their peak plumage in their second year, which is also when they reach peak fertility.

Polish Crested Chicken

Polish crested rooster

JZHunt / Getty Images

Resembling more of a cartoon character than a real chicken, the Polish crested chicken channels its inner Cruella de Vil with its puffed mane. With a calm demeanor and colorful crest, it's no surprise that this breed of chicken is a show bird. Some Polish crested chickens sport a beard and muff in addition to a fluffy hairdo. While they do lay eggs (an average of 150 per year), most chicken farmers keep them for their looks more than their productivity.Philippine Eagle

Philippine eagle

Edwin Verin / Shutterstock.com

The critically endangered Philippine eagle is heavily protected as the national bird of the Philippines. There are fewer than 500 left. Its griffin-like splayed crest is intimidating enough, but paired with its reputation for hunting bats, birds, snakes, and lizards, not to mention its hefty 18-pound weight, this is not a raptor you'll want to bug any time soon. When the Philippine eagle reaches adulthood, it leaves the nest in search of a mate, which it is thought to keep for life.

Grey Crowned Crane

Pair of crowned cranes

Buy Khum Khng Sukh / EyeEm / Getty Images

Now that's a hairstyle fit for a king—stiff, golden feathers give this grey crowned crane's head a porcupine sensibility. This endangered bird lives throughout Africa, from the savannah to the wetlands, relying on heat for survival. Primitive species of these majestic cranes date back millions of years, with some primitive crowned crane species appearing in the fossil record from the Eocene Epoch (56 to 33.9 million years ago). These monogamous birds prefer to nest near bodies of water and feed in open grasslands.

Crested and Spinifex Pigeons

Crested pigeon and spinifex pigeon

Jim Bendon / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

With long, pointed crests, the crested pigeon (left) and spinifex pigeon both bear a striking resemblance to Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals." While the spinifex is smaller, both of these pigeons bear colors that help them blend well in their environment. Found throughout Australia, the crested pigeon prefers open habitats, while the spinifex prefers arid, rocky regions. The crested pigeon has adapted well to life in an urban setting, appearing in many Australian cities. The spinifix pigeon is quite comfortable living in the country's hottest town.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Victoria crowned pigeon

Kateryna Kukota / Getty Images

Named for Queen Victoria, the Victoria crowned pigeon takes its lineage seriously. This bird's signature blue lace crest feathers resemble a crown atop its head. The Victoria crowned pigeon is no small bird—it is the largest of all pigeons, weighing about 7.5 pounds—and is closer in size to a small turkey. Found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, these striking birds are classified as “near threatened” with a population that is decreasing. They like to forage in groups of two to ten birds.