3-week-old baby girl kept her "difficult" expression throughout the photo shoot, looking at the newborn photos is even more surprising

The girl was awake, satisfied with all arrangements but absolutely did not smile but just stared at the photographer.

Recently, netizens in the state of Ohio (USA) were suddenly crazy by the "difficult" expression of little girl Luna Musa (3 weeks old), shown in a newborn photo session when photographer Justine Tuhy shared a few pictures. picture on facebook.

"Luna was really quiet during the whole shoot ," said Justine, a wedding and newborn photographer. "She fell asleep right in the first picture, and then she woke up and became awake. Luna was completely satisfied, didn't cry, but the child always kept a 'difficult' expression in every picture. image".

3-week-old baby girl suddenly became like alcohol thanks to her "difficult" expression  yes 1-0-2 - Picture 1.

Luna was completely satisfied, didn't cry during the photo shoot, but she always kept a 'difficult' expression like this.

Luna's mother, Lori Musa, revealed that from the moment she was born, her daughter came into the world with this face "hate the world" and this grimace expression . She said: "I remember seeing him for the first time after birth, it was a frowning face with a frown. My baby was born by cesarean section at 41 weeks, so we thought she was very upset when she was born. kicked out of her 'nest'. If Luna looks relaxed and comfortable, it means she's sleeping."

This mother also added that her sister and brother Christian, Luna's father, love to see everyone's reaction when they see Luna's special expression. "I love that frown. It looks like my baby is planning to take over the world," added Lori.

3-week-old baby girl suddenly became like alcohol thanks to her "difficult" expression  yes 1-0-2 - Picture 2.

Luna's mother said that since she was born, she had a "hate the world" expression when she was taken out of her "home".

3-week-old baby girl suddenly became like alcohol thanks to her "difficult" expression  yes 1-0-2 - Picture 3.

And under any circumstances, Luna does not change her expression, except when sleeping.

Photographer Justine added that during the shoot, "Luna did all the work by herself. I just happened to capture the great moments. It was her amazing facial expressions and facial expressions that made it possible for her to do all the work herself. other people must be surprised, and I'm glad people found joy in these photos."

With her long photography experience, photographer Justine revealed that usually babies will sleep during the photo shoot, if she is lucky, she will make them smile a little. As for Luna's "difficult" face, this is the first time she has met her. "She's sober, easygoing, but she doesn't smile, she just stares at me," said Justine.

3-week-old baby girl suddenly became like alcohol thanks to her "difficult" expression  yes 1-0-2 - Picture 4.
3-week-old baby girl suddenly became like alcohol thanks to her "difficult" expression  yes 1-0-2 - Picture 5.

The 3-week-old girl was satisfied with everything the photographer arranged for her, but refused to smile and kept staring at the camera.

Luna's parents added that she and her husband were both present for the photo shoot, but because the child did not object to the photographer's arrangements, the couple stepped back to let the main character be free. course. "Luna wanted to show the world her personality and Justine captured all those wonderful moments," said Lori happily.