53 Most Colorful Parrots in the World_Bird lovers


Parrots bring joy to the world. Whether they’re gathered in trees in the rainforest or relaxing at home with their owners, these delightful birds add a splash of personality and color. And thanks to their brilliant coloration, there’s no shortage of bright parrots in the world.

List of Colorful Parrots

Here’s our list of the most colorful parrots in the world:

1. Eclectus

a pair of green and red Eclectus parrots.
  • Latin name: Eclectus roratus
  • Habitat: Rainforests in New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Australia’s Cape York Peninsula
  • Size: Up to 16.5″ long
  • Diet: Fruit, seeds, nuts, figs, nectar, flowers, and leaf buds
  • Colorful feature: Eclectus parrots have a very unusual feature called sexual dichromatism. That means males and females have completely different colors; females are bright red with royal blue wings, while males are an intense green.

For years, scientists thought Eclectus parrots were separate species because the males and females are colored so differently. Scientists believe that the birds evolved this way based on nesting habits. In most species where females incubate eggs, female birds are drab enough to camouflage. But since nesting sites can be hard to spot, the female birds may be bright in order for males to be able to spot them.

2. Military Macaw

Military Macaw in flight with blue skies in the background.
  • Latin name: Ara militaris
  • Habitat: Forests in South America and Mexico
  • Size: Up to 33.5 inches long
  • Diet: Mostly seeds, fruits, and leaves
  • Colorful feature: This macaw’s name comes from its bright green feathers; they look a bit like a military uniform. It also has a bright red band above the beak and some blue plumage on the wings and tail.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies this beautiful macaw as being vulnerable to extinction. However, it’s a popular pet species, so its total population is relatively stable. At first glance, these macaws look a bit like great green macaws. However, they are smaller and darker green in color.

3. Double Yellow-Headed Amazon

Close-up of double yellow headed amazon parrot.
  • Latin name: Amazona oratrix
  • Habitat: Forested areas in northern Central America and Mexico
  • Size: Up to 17″ long
  • Diet: Nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, and vegetation
  • Colorful feature: These birds have bright green bodies and bright heads with varying amounts of yellow. They also have a few red feathers.

In the wild, this parrot is considered to be endangered. However, it can be found in the pet trade. The double yellow-headed Amazon is an especially skilled talker, and it bonds closely with owners. That makes it a relatively expensive bird to purchase. Captive-bred birds can be a little hard to find, but if you want a loyal pet, it’s well worth the effort and expense.

4. Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella perched on branch.
  • Latin name: Platycercus elegans
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in parts of Australia
  • Size: Up to about 14″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits and seeds, though they will also eat insects
  • Colorful feature: These birds have an incredibly deep red base color. They have patches of bright royal blue, and their wings have an attractive lace-like pattern.

These beautiful birds are often considered to be agricultural pests. That’s because they will frequently raid grain fields and devour crops. Historically, these eating habits have led to the birds being shot by farmers. Younger rosellas may not be recognizable to those unfamiliar with the birds; juveniles usually have green plumage that “ripens” to adult coloring.

5. Moluccan Cockatoo

Portrait of a Moluccan Cockatoo with brown background.
  • Latin name: Cacatua moluccensis
  • Habitat: Forested areas in the Seram archipelago in Indonesia
  • Size: Up to 1.71 feet long
  • Diet: Seeds, nuts, fruits, and coconuts
  • Colorful feature: At first glance, these birds might not look too colorful. While their bodies are white, they have bright salmon-colored crests that they reveal to threaten predators. You might also see a Moluccan cockatoo’s crest when the bird gets excited.

Though you can keep a Moluccan cockatoo as a pet, it’s definitely a decision to weigh carefully. These birds are some of the loudest in the world. They are also very intelligent and need a lot of mental stimulation. However, they are very trainable and can be very sweet and cuddly as well.

6. Bronze-Winged Parrot

Bronze-Winged Parrot perched on branch.AD
  • Latin name: Pionus chalcopterus
  • Habitat: Forested areas in parts of South America
  • Size: About 11″ long
  • Diet: Seeds, fruits, insects, and crops
  • Colorful feature: The bronze-winged parrot has distinctly beautiful metallic wings. It also has peach-colored patterning around the throat, red undertail feathers, and blue underwing feathers.

This Pionus parrot isn’t one of the better-known birds on the list. But its coloration is uniquely beautiful. This bird isn’t considered to be threatened or endangered, but it isn’t too common in the pet trade. But if you want a smaller pet that is still intelligent and affectionate, this is a great bird to look into.

7. Galah Cockatoo

Pink cockatoo portait.AD
  • Latin name: Eolophus roseicapilla
  • Habitat: Various habitat types throughout Australia
  • Size: About 14″ long
  • Diet: Mostly seeds
  • Colorful feature: This bird’s lower body and lower half of the face is a stunning rosy pink. This sets it apart from most other members of the cockatoo family, many of whom are primarily white.

You might sometimes hear this bird called the rose-breasted cockatoo. It’s a stunningly beautiful bird and one of the most colorful cockatoos. These birds also have a pale pink crest that they can raise if threatened or excited. It is not classified as being threatened or vulnerable at all, and it has one of the widest ranges on the list.

8. Orange-Bellied Parrot

Orange-bellied Parrot sitting on branch.
  • Latin name: Neophema chrysogaster
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in southern Australia
  • Size: About 8″ long
  • Diet: Seeds and berries found on coastal plants
  • Colorful feature: The males of this species are the brightest; they have intense yellow-green breasts with a patch of orange on the belly. The wings are darker green with blue flight feathers.

These birds are among the smallest parrots on the list. The IUCN classifies them as being critically endangered, and they face many potential threats. Those include introduced species (both those who compete for food and those who prey on the parrots). As of late 2021, there were 70 confirmed breeding adults. In Australia, conservation efforts include legal protections and nesting boxes constructed to ensure the birds have ample nesting sites.

9. Indigo-Winged Parrot

Indigo-Winged Parrot perched on bush.AD
  • Latin name: Hapalopsittaca fuertesi
  • Habitat: Western slope of Colombia’s Central Andes
  • Size: About 9.5″ long
  • Diet: Mostly mistletoe berries, though it will eat other fruits
  • Colorful feature: This beautiful bird is mostly green, although it has rich indigo wing feathers and red shoulders. Its head is crowned with blue, too.

This rare parrot was believed to be extinct for nearly 100 years. But in 2002, it was observed in the wild in Colombia. The bird’s native range is naturally very small; it’s confined to one slope in part of the Andes. Deforestation and habitat loss is a major factor in its dwindling numbers.

10. Mitchell’s Lorikeet

Close-up of Mitchell's Lorikeet.AD
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus forsteni
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in the Indonesian islands of Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Kalaotoa, and Tanah Jampea
  • Size: Up to about 10″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruit
  • Colorful feature: This bright bird has green wings and a green back. It also has a brilliant blue head, yellow nape, and red chest.

This bird, also called the sunset lorikeet, might look a little like the more famous rainbow lorikeet at first glance. Its patterning is a bit different, although it was considered to be a subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet at one time. This beautiful bird is considered to be an endangered species by the IUCN. Like many bright parrots, Mitchell’s lorikeet has become rare because it has a small range and faces habitat destruction.

11. Brown-Hooded Parrot

Pair of brown-hooded parrots.AD
  • Latin name: Pyrilia haematotis
  • Habitat: Foothills and lowlands in parts of Mexico and Colombia
  • Size: Up to about 8.3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits, figs, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: As the name suggests, these parrots appear to be wearing dark hoods. Their dark brown heads fade into a bronze-like color, while their bodies are primarily green. Parts of their wings are a deep indigo.

As pet parrots go, these cheerful birds are relatively easy keepers. They are generally friendly and adaptable, and they are sometimes more suitable for apartment living than other birds are. That’s largely due to the fact that they tend to be a little less vocal than most parrots. Add that to their smaller size, and you have a pet parrot who can more easily adapt to smaller spaces.

12. Great Green Macaw

Green parrot Great-Green Macaw sitting on a branch in Costa Rica.AD
  • Latin name: Ara ambigua
  • Habitat: Tropical forests in Central and South America
  • Size: About 35.5″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruits, nuts, seeds, roots, bark, bulbs, and blossoms
  • Colorful feature: These birds are deep, intense green. They have a bold stripe of red above the beak, and their flight feathers are bright blue.

The great green macaw is a striking bird that is critically endangered. However, it is bred in captivity. Keeping one of these massive birds is not for everyone; it’s best to have an enclosure that’s at least 15m in length. These birds need to be around humans as chicks, as those who aren’t socialized are prone to biting people.

13. Mount Apo Lorikeet

Green and red parrot sitting in the branch.
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus johnstoniae
  • Habitat: Montane forests in Mindanao in the Philippines
  • Size: About 8″ long
  • Diet: Primarily pollen, nectar, and small insects
  • Colorful feature: This lorikeet is especially stunning. It is bright green with yellow, scale-like markings on the belly. Its cheeks are bright red, and a maroon-colored band crosses the eyes. Its beak is also an incredibly bright orange.

The Mount Apo lorikeet has a very small range in the Philippines. It is classified as near threatened by the IUCN. This bird is almost never kept as a pet bird, although it can often be found in zoos and aviaries. However, part of its lessening population comes from trapping for the pet trade.

14. Masked Shining Parrot

Sulphur-Breasted Musk-Parrot sitting on a tree.
  • Latin name: Prosopeia personata
  • Habitat: Forested areas in Viti Levu, Fiji
  • Size: About 18.5″ long
  • Diet: Largely berries, nectar, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These bright-colored parrots are green with yellow breasts that become orangish toward the bottom. They have some wing feathers that are brilliant cerulean blue.

The beautiful masked shining parrot has a dark black “mask” that contrasts with their very bright colors. These birds aren’t really found in the pet trade, but experienced breeders who run aviaries may sometimes raise them. The IUCN classifies the species as near threatened, so if you can find a captive-bred one for sale, it’s likely to be expensive!

15. Collared Lory

Collared Lory among jungle vegetation.AD
  • Latin name: Vini solitaria
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in Fiji
  • Size: About 7.9″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit, nectar, flowers, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These bright birds have crimson red chests and bright green wings. They also appear to have a dark “cap” on their heads.

The collared lory has a few different names including the “ruffled lory” and the “solitary lory.” The “solitary lory” name isn’t accurate, though, as these lories are not solitary animals. They look especially striking when viewed from the side. The black “cap” seems to extend beyond the back of the head, and the lime green feathers on the back of the neck often look long and almost hairlike.

16. Red-Bellied Macaw

Close-up of red-bellied macaw.AD
  • Latin name: Orthopsittaca manilatus
  • Habitat: Tropical rainforests in the Amazon region
  • Size: About 18″ long
  • Diet: Almost exclusively seeds and fruits of moriche palms
  • Colorful feature: These birds have unique and beautiful green feathers that are patterned with blue. Though the name might make you think their bellies are bright crimson, they actually have a maroon patch.

The red-bellied macaw might not be quite as well known as some other macaw species. It’s known as one of the “mini macaws.” These birds are very dependent on the moriche palm plant, as this is the plant they use almost exclusively for food and shelter. Their populations are threatened by the clearing of the palms.

17. Blue-Headed Parrot

Close up of blue-headed parrot.AD
  • Latin name: Pionus menstruus
  • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical parts
  • Size: About 10.6″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These stunning birds have brilliant blue heads and largely green bodies. They have a red patch under their tails, too.

These pretty parrots are fairly popular pets. Their small size makes them relatively easy to house, and they tend to be quieter than most types of parrots. They are loving birds who bond with their owners, but they are not known for being great talkers.

18. Ornate Lorikeet

Ornate Lorikeet in jungle.AD
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus ornatus
  • Habitat: Various habitat types across the Sulawesi Archipelago in Indonesia
  • Size: About 10″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruit and seeds
  • Colorful feature: As the name suggests, the ornate lorikeet is one of the most striking lorikeets. These beautiful birds look like they have “bibs” of striated red and black. They also have patches of yellow, and their backs are mostly bright green.

These beautiful birds can sometimes be kept as pets. They are affectionate and loving, but if you don’t give them enough attention, they may become borderline hostile. They are intelligent birds, and if you keep their minds occupied, they are very trainable and entertaining pets. However, they are fairly rare. If you do find a sociable one, it might be somewhat expensive.

19. Yellow-Streaked Lory

Yellow-Streaked Lory with blurred background.AD
  • Latin name: Chalcopsitta scintillata
  • Habitat: Forests of southern New Guinea and the Aru Islands
  • Size: About 12″ long
  • Diet: Mostly nectar
  • Colorful feature: This bird has a mostly greenish body. The neck and chest have dark feathering that is streaked with yellow, and the head and neck have red patches.

These striking birds have unmistakable yellow-streaked necks and chests. In the wild, they are very entertaining to watch, as pairs will acrobatically fly through the forest. They often call to one another as they do so. This can be interesting to hear if you aren’t familiar with the species, as the yellow-streaked lory has a call that has been described as “electronic.” These birds aren’t too common in the pet trade, but if you want a fun-loving and energetic companion, they might be a good choice.

20. Red-Flanked Lorikeet

Pair of Red-Flanked Lorikeet against black background.AD
  • Latin name: Hypocharmosyna placentis
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in the Maluku Islands, the Bismarck Archipelago, and New Guinea
  • Size: About 7″ long
  • Diet: Mostly flowers, nectar, and pollen
  • Colorful feature: The males and females of this species are colored differently. Both have a bright green base color. Males have blue cheeks and red striping on the flanks. Females have bright yellow cheeks, but they don’t have the red flanks that the species is named for.

These nice-looking birds are also known by the name “pleasing lorikeets.” There are several different subspecies across their range. Like some other rare lorikeet species, these birds aren’t too commonly found in the pet trade. They are intelligent birds who will do well if you give them lots of toys to chew on and plenty of attention.

21. Blue-Crowned Hanging Parrot

Blue-Crowned Hanging Parrot eating.AD
  • Latin name: Loriculus galgulus
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaya, and Singapore
  • Size: About 5.7″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit, flowers, nuts, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: Males of this species are the most colorful; their feathers are very bright green. They also have a blue crown marking on top of the head. Their rumps are red and their lower backs are yellow.

You might wonder where this cute little parrot got its name. These birds are known for their tendency to hang upside down when they sleep. Though they are the only bird species to sleep this way, there’s a good reason behind it. When they hang upside down, predators are more likely to think they are some sort of foliage instead of potential prey.

22. Blue-Streaked Lory

Blue-Streaked Lory perched on branch.AD
  • Latin name: Eos reticulata
  • Habitat: Various habitats in the southern Maluku Islands
  • Size: About 12″ long
  • Diet: Likely insects, fruit, nectar, and pollen
  • Colorful feature: These birds have a base color of intense crimson red. Parts of the head and neck are streaked with incredibly bright blue, and the rest of the body has some degree of violet and blue-black coloring.

These birds are one of the brighter lorikeet species. At first glance, they look a little like crimson rosellas. Though they can be kept in captivity, blue-streaked lories can be hard to keep in apartments or neighborhoods where the houses are very close together. That’s because their calls are both loud and shrill. They can be irritating to neighbors. But if you live far enough from other people and don’t mind having one of the louder species of lory, these birds can make pretty good pets.

23. Moluccan King Parrot

Moluccan King Parrot perched on branch.AD
  • Latin name: Alisterus amboinensis
  • Habitat: Rainforests in some parts of Indonesia
  • Size: About 14″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruit, buds, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These eye-catching birds have bright blocks of color. Their heads and chests are red, while their wings are green. They have a patch of royal blue on the back and tail.

These somewhat large birds have beautifully bold coloration. There are six different subspecies, but only some of them can commonly be found in captivity. In the wild, it can live at higher altitudes than many other species; it has been spotted in elevations as high as 2,100 meters. Though this species isn’t too common, it can be easily bred in captivity. Captive breeding is relatively common in Denmark.

24. Stella’s Lorikeet

Stella's Lorikeet against green background.AD
  • Latin name: Charmosyna stellae
  • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical forests in New Guinea
  • Size: About 15.5″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit, flowers, pollen, and nectar
  • Colorful feature: This exquisite-looking bird is one of the most remarkable on the list. The head and chest are reddish, and the top of the head has a distinctive blue and black “cap.” The wings and tail are green, although the tail is tinged with yellow. 

This bird has one of the most unusual looks of any parrot on the list. Its complex coloration makes it a standout, and if you can find one for sale, it may be expensive. Some hobbyists seek out melanistic Stella’s lorikeets; these birds are almost entirely black, though they have the blue, crownlike “cap.”

25. Olive-Headed Lorikeet

Olive-Headed Lorikeet eating.AD
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus euteles
  • Habitat: Several different habitat types on the island of Timor and surrounding areas
  • Size: About 9.5″ long
  • Diet: Largely insects, flowers, fruit, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These colorful birds have what is effectively a gradient from green to yellow. Their backs and wings are a dark grass green. Their chests are a bright, highlighter-like green, while their heads are more yellow (some birds have heads that are closer to being olive green). Like many lorikeet species, they have beaks that are a deep, bright orange.

The olive-headed lorikeet, also known as the “perfect lorikeet,” is one of the most popular lorikeets in the pet trade. The other highly popular one is the rainbow lorikeet. These birds are a joy to have around; they are affectionate and energetic, and they are good mimics, too. But make sure they have enough room and plenty of time to exercise, as they can become overweight if they are too sedentary.


26. Red-Fronted Lorikeet

Red Fronted Lorikeet standing on branch.AD
  • Latin name: Charmosyna rubronotata
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in parts of New Guinea and the island of Biak
  • Size: About 6.7″ long
  • Diet: Mostly pollen, flowers, seeds, and nectar
  • Colorful feature: These beautiful little birds have faces that look almost painted. Their bodies are mostly green, with their backs being darker than their fronts. They have little patches of red right by their wings. They have blue patches near the ears and a red-orange patch above the beak. Their beaks are a deep orange that is almost red.

These forest-dwelling lorikeets tend to be very social. They spend much of their time in groups of about 10. These groups will travel together through the forest, and they will often eat in the forest canopy along with several other lorikeet species. Though they are beautiful and their population doesn’t seem to be threatened, red-fronted lorikeets are relatively uncommon as pets.

27. Blue and Gold Macaw

Portrait of blue and yellow macaw.

  • Latin name: Ara ararauna
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in South America
  • Size: About 34″ long
  • Diet: Mostly nuts, fruits and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These brilliantly-colored birds have bright golden-yellow breasts. The upperparts are turquoise-like blue, and the tops of their heads are green.

The blue-and-gold macaw is one of the more common macaws in captivity. That’s because they have the ability to bond very closely with people. They also are very good talkers. If you do choose to purchase one, make sure it’s a carefully-considered decision. These large birds can live up to 70 years, and they also need very large enclosures and plenty of bonding time with their humans.

28. Little Lorikeet

Little lorikeet sitting on a tree stump.

  • Latin name: Parvipsitta pusilla
  • Habitat: Many different habitat types across Australia
  • Size: Up to about 6″ long
  • Diet: Mostly pollen and nectar
  • Colorful feature: These pretty lorikeets look a little like lovebirds. Their bodies are mostly green, and their faces are bright red.

The little lorikeet is one of the lesser-known lorikeet species. Unlike many other species, you don’t often see the little lorikeet outside of Australia. In many circles, they have a reputation for being tough to care for. As we learn more about various lorikeet species, they have become a little more popular in aviculture than before. However, they are still considerably rarer in captivity than rainbow lorikeets and similar species.

29. Burrowing Parrot

Two Burrowing Parrots on ground.

  • Latin name: Cyanoliseus patagonus
  • Habitat: Rocky areas of Chile and Argentina
  • Size: About 10.2″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruit and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These striking birds have chests that are a lovely, smoky charcoal gray. Their bellies have lines of yellow and red, and their green wings are tipped with blue feathers.

You might sometimes hear the burrowing parrot referred to as the Patagonian conure. And though the name sounds strange, these parrots actually do burrow, although it isn’t in the ground. They nest in cliff faces, but they dig complex burrows throughout the cliff faces. Though they are not classified as being threatened and endangered, their population does seem to be in decline across their range.

30. Red-Bellied Parrot

Side view of Red-Bellied Parrot.
  • Latin name: Poicephalus rufiventris
  • Habitat: Various habitats in Somalia and Tanzania 
  • Size: Up to about 9″ long
  • Diet: Maize, fruits, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: The males of this species are the most colorful; though their base color is a greyish brown, the males have bright orange bellies. The females have bright green bellies.

You might wonder why a parrot with a clearly orange belly came to be called “red-bellied.” That’s because the bird was named before the color orange was added to the English language. The word “orange” only came to be when the fruit called the orange was discovered. This parrot is one of a handful of animals marked with “red” that would be called “orange” by the current definition.

31. Chattering Lory

Side view of Chattering Lory.
  • Latin name: Lorius garrulus
  • Habitat: Forests in northern Maluku, Indonesia
  • Size: About 12″ long
  • Diet: Mostly flowers, nectar, pollen, and fruit, although they will eat some insects
  • Colorful feature: These bright birds are predominately red. Their wings are green, and they have smallish yellow patches at the top. Like most related birds, they have very bright orange beaks!

This talkative bird is one of the lorikeets that is more commonly found in the pet trade. As you might have guessed based on the name, they are very chatty creatures. In their somewhat limited native range, they are classified as being vulnerable to extinction. A large degree of that comes from the fact that they are often trapped to be sold as pets.

32. Red-Collared Lorikeet

Red-Collared Lorikeet on branch.
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus rubritorquis
  • Habitat: Woodland areas of northern Australia
  • Size: About 10″ long
  • Diet: Mostly eats flowers of a tree called the Darwin woollybutt
  • Colorful feature: These incredibly bright birds are patterned a lot like the rainbow lorikeet. They have orangish breasts and an orangish “collar” around the neck. Their heads are blue, their wings are green, and their legs and the undersides of their tails are yellow. 

If you take a quick look at a photo of a red-collared lorikeet, you will probably notice the resemblance to the rainbow lorikeet. At one point, these birds were considered to be a subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet, though they have now been determined to be a separate species. In one part of Australia, they start to act as if they are drunk during the dry season. Scientists believe this is due to some type of virus that appears seasonally.

33. Yellow-Bibbed Lory

Side view of Yellow-Bibbed Lory.

  • Latin name: Lorius chlorocercus
  • Habitat: Habitats across the Solomon Islands
  • Size: About 11″ long
  • Diet: Largely nectar and some other plant material
  • Colorful feature: These birds are colored as their name suggests; their base color is red, but they have a patch of bright yellow where a bib might be. Their wings are green, while they have black caps on their heads.

Though these birds are truly striking, they are not commonly found in captivity. They are especially good at mimicking humans talking, but they are protected by law. The Solomon Islands Wildlife Protection and Management Act forbids anyone from exporting the birds without having a permit. However, it may be possible to find one bred in captivity.

34. Red Shining Parrot

Red Shining Parrot grooming.

  • Latin name: Prosopeia tabuensis
  • Habitat: Various habitats across Fiji and parts of Tonga
  • Size: About 18″ long
  • Diet: Mostly seeds and fruits
  • Colorful feature: These birds have primarily red heads and breasts, although black shading on the head makes them appear to be maroon. Their wings are mostly green, although they have patches of incredibly bright blue as well.

If you’re familiar with the different types of parrots in Fiji and surrounding areas, you might think this bird has a confusing name. Though it sounds a lot like the crimson shining parrot, the two are different species. They look very similar, but the crimson variety has a head that is more red than maroon. Red shining parrots tend to not do too well in captivity, and they don’t make great pets. 

35. Red-Lored Parrot

Portrait of Red-Lored Parrot.

  • Latin name: Amazona autumnalis
  • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas
  • Size: About 13″ long
  • Diet: Mostly nuts, seeds, and fruit
  • Colorful feature: While these birds are mostly bright green, they do have a patch of yellow right above the beak. That patch is flanked by two yellow patches.

This bird is also called the red lored Amazon. You probably won’t see it as often as some other species of Amazon parrots. Still, these birds make great pets, and many bond with their owners. But if you’re planning on getting one of these birds, be sure you are ok with a bird who can be very vocal and who sometimes may get the urge to bite you.

36. Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet

Close-up of Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet.
  • Latin name: Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus
  • Habitat: Wooded areas of eastern Australia
  • Size: About 9.1″ long
  • Diet: Mostly nectar, though they will eat a variety of other plant matter and some insects
  • Colorful feature: These birds are mostly an intense leaf green in color. However, they have yellow breasts whose feathers are lined in green. This pattern makes them look like they have scales.

You may have seen this beautiful little bird kept as a pet. They can be sweet and playful, and they also tend to be a little quieter than most lorikeets. However, some individuals tend to be very aggressive. If you get a scaly-breasted lorikeet and want to make sure it’s good-natured, it’s a good idea to make sure the bird has been handled from a young age.

37. Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw against black background.

  • Latin name: Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
  • Habitat: Wooded areas in central and eastern South America
  • Size: About 3′ 3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly various types of palm nuts
  • Colorful feature: This bird is almost entirely deep blue in color, but its eyes and lower beak are lined in bright yellow. It looks almost like a Lear’s macaw, a bird that is colored similarly but is a bit smaller.

This massive bird is the world’s largest species of flying parrot in the world. Unfortunately, it has been classified as vulnerable to extinction. This is largely the result of habitat destruction and trapping for the pet trade. Though you can technically keep one of these magnificent birds as a pet, they are rare and tend to be many thousands of dollars.

38. Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo

Close-up of Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo's head.
  • Latin name: Calyptorhynchus banksii
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in Australia
  • Size: About 24″ long
  • Diet: Mostly eucalyptus seeds, although they eat a variety of grains as well
  • Colorful feature: As you can see in the picture, this cockatoo has glossy black feathering that sometimes has touches of yellow.

The red-tailed black cockatoo can be a good pet, but it is somewhat rarely seen in aviculture. Mature adults are often thousands of dollars, and a hand-raised bird can often be sold for tens of thousands. This bird sometimes appears in various myths and legends; one Australian aboriginal group believes it accompanies the dead as they travel to heaven.

39. Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeet in the jungle.

  • Latin name: Trichoglossus moluccanus
  • Habitat: Rainforests, woodland areas and coastal bush areas in Australia
  • Size: Up to about 12″ long
  • Diet: Mostly pollen, fruit, and nectar
  • Colorful feature: This stunning bird almost doesn’t look real at first glance. Its chest has a band of orangish-yellow. Its head and lower abdomen are very bright blue. Its wings are bright spring green.

The rainbow lorikeet is possibly one of the most common lorikeets kept as pets. They make good-natured pet birds, although they need a good bit of attention from their owners to stay happy. Like most other lorikeets, these birds are very intelligent, so it’s important to give them toys and spend time with them. These birds are also especially good at escaping their cages, so it’s a good idea to get a padlock for your pet’s cage.

40. Cuban Amazon

Close-up of Cuban Amazon.

  • Latin name: Amazona leucocephala
  • Habitat: Forested areas of the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and the Bahamas
  • Size: Up to about 13″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits and seeds
  • Colorful feature: These striking birds bear some resemblance to the other Amazon parrots on the list. They are primarily green, but their faces have unique and unmistakable coloring. The top half of the face is bright white, while the bottom can be anywhere from a rosy pink to a bright red (like the bird in the photo).

This pretty parrot is native to the Caribbean. Some birds have been spotted in Puerto Rico, but experts now believe that these birds were escaped pets and not a genuine wild population. However, unlike some other Amazon varieties, you don’t often see them sold as pets. The exception here is in Cuba and Florida. You can also find a good number of Cuban Amazons in Russia, as soldiers brought them home from Cuba after the Soviet Union completely collapsed.


41. Meyer’s Parrot

Meyer's Parrot perched on branch.

  • Latin name: Poicephalus meyeri
  • Habitat: Woodlands in southern and central Africa
  • Size: Up to about 9″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits seeds, nuts, and some crops
  • Colorful feature: These striking birds have somewhat variable coloring. The base color of the head and wings is grey. However, the rump is a deep and intense turquoise, and the wings have some degree of turquoise markings. The head and wings have patches of yellow that vary considerably in size based on the individual. The chest is usually some level of bluish green.

This parrot isn’t one of the best-known on the list. But if you’re looking for a pet and hoping to keep the noise level low, it might just be a good choice. These smallish birds are fairly quiet, but they are capable of learning a few words and being able to talk.

42. Brown Lory

Brown Lory perched on branch.

  • Latin name: Chalcopsitta duivenbodei
  • Habitat: Various habitat types in New Guinea
  • Size: Up to about 13″ long
  • Diet: Various fruits, nuts, and seeds
  • Colorful feature: The name “brown lory” makes it sound like this bird is entirely a dull, boring brown. However, its head and neck are marked with bright yellow. There is yellow around the neck, and then there are a large number of yellow lines extending back over the neck. The tail is white.

This oddly beautiful bird isn’t found as a pet too often. Even in its native New Guinea, it can be hard to find within its range. Despite its seeming rarity, the brown lory is not considered to be a threatened or vulnerable species. But as is the case with many wild creatures, it has seen its population dwindle as its habitat is destroyed.

43. Dracula Parrot

Dracula Parrot perched on branch.

  • Latin name: Psittrichas fulgidus
  • Habitat: Rainforests in New Guinea
  • Size: About 18″ long
  • Diet: Almost exclusively figs
  • Colorful feature: Though these birds have a gray-black base color, their breasts and abdomens are very bright red. From the front, they look as though they are wearing a laced grey hood over a red shirt.

This parrot looks a lot like a vulture; it has a hooked bill longer than that of other parrots, and its face is partially bald. The bald face is likely to have evolved to prevent head feathers from matting as the bird eats fruit. Some people think these unique birds are ugly, but they certainly make a visual statement!

44. White-Crowned Pionus

Pair of White-Crowned Pionus in the tropical forest.
  • Latin name: Pionus senilis
  • Habitat: Wooded and partially wooded areas in Mexico and Panama
  • Size: About 9.5″ long
  • Diet: Largely fruits, seeds, and nuts
  • Colorful feature: These birds have a distinctive base color that looks like a mixture of green and grey. The top of the head has a “crown” of bright white, and some of the tail feathers are bright red.

This pretty parrot might not be as famous as the conures and similar parrots, but you can still find it in the pet trade! Its species name, senilus, alludes to old age. That’s because the crown of white on the head looks like the hair of an old person.

45. Salvadori’s Fig-Parrot

Pair of green parrots sitting on a branch.
  • Latin name: Psittaculirostris salvadorii
  • Habitat: Parts of Indonesia’s Papua province
  • Size: About 7.5″ long
  • Diet: Almost exclusively figs and some other types of fruit
  • Colorful feature: Both males and females of this species are bright, although they have different colorations. Both have a green base color, but males have yellow cheeks and an orange patch on the chest. Females have yellow-green cheeks and a blue breast patch.

This small parrot is beautifully and brightly colored. Though not a whole lot of people are familiar with it, its population does not appear to currently be at risk of extinction or becoming vulnerable to extinction.

46. Senegal Parrot

Senegal parrot siting on a branch.

  • Latin name: Poicephalus senegalus
  • Habitat: Various parts of west Africa
  • Size: About 9″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits, seeds, and flowers
  • Colorful feature: These birds have a yellowish rump and yellow underparts. Their chests are largely green, although they have a “V” of yellow and orange on the chest that makes it look like they’re wearing vests.

Of all the colorful parrots on the list, Senegal parrots are one of the most popular when it comes to keeping birds as pets. Hand-raised Senegals tend to be especially sweet and interactive.

47. Black-Headed Caique

Close-up of Black-Headed Caique.
  • Latin name: Pionites melanocephala
  • Habitat: Forested areas in parts of the Amazon basin
  • Size: About 9″ long
  • Diet: Largely seeds, nuts, and fruits
  • Colorful feature: These birds appear to be covered in blocks of color. They have white chests, yellow necks and cheeks, green wings, and a black “cap” on the head.

This unusual-looking bird is another that is relatively common in the pet trade. If you want a bird who can talk, the black-headed caique may not be ideal, as the birds have trouble mimicking speech. However, they are very good at learning and sometimes combining sounds like alarms, laughter, and beeping appliances, so they can still be plenty entertaining to have around.

48. Jenday Conure

Jenday Conure perched on branch.
  • Latin name: Aratinga jandaya
  • Habitat: Wooded parts of eastern Brazil
  • Size: About 12″ long
  • Diet: Mainly consists of fruits, nuts, and some cultivated crops
  • Colorful feature: These birds are often almost sunset-colored. Their bellies are usually orangish, and the color becomes closer to yellow toward the head. The wings and back are green, and you might see a little blue toward the tip of the tail.

Jenday conures look a bit like large mangos at first glance. They have become relatively uncommon in the wild, but they are commonly found in the pet trade. They can be easily confused with sun conures if you aren’t too familiar with conure varieties!

49. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

Two Major Mitchell's Cockatoos sitting next to each other.
  • Latin name: Lophochroa leadbeateri
  • Habitat: Arid and semi-arid parts of Australia
  • Size: About 14″ long
  • Diet: Mostly different types of seeds
  • Colorful feature: Many of us picture cockatoos as white, but this one is arguably one of the most colorful of them all! This bird has a rosy pink head, and its crest has streaks of red, yellow, and orange.

This exquisite bird can live up to 80 years. The Brookfield Zoo in Illinois was home to a Major Mitchell’s cockatoo called “Cookie.” Cookie lived there when the zoo first opened in 1934, and he survived until 2016!

50. Blue-Throated Macaw

Blue-Throated Macaws sitting next to each other.
  • Latin name: Ara glaucogularis
  • Habitat: One small savanna region in Bolivia
  • Size: About 33″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit and larger palms
  • Colorful feature: These birds are a deep intense blue with golden yellow breasts. Their heads and throats are the same blue color as the body.

This bird looks a little like the blue and gold macaw at first glance. However, it lacks the green “cap” on the head and the markings are a bit different. It has a small natural range, but it is considered to be critically endangered by the IUCN. Trapping birds is illegal, and World Parrot Trust volunteers regularly monitor wild birds, nests, and chicks.

51. Hawk-Headed Parrot

Hawk-Headed Parrot standing on branch.
  • Latin name: Deroptyus accipitrinus
  • Habitat: Can be found throughout the Amazon Basin
  • Size: About 14″ long
  • Diet: Primarily fruit and seeds
  • Colorful feature: As the name suggests, this bird’s head is patterned much like the head of a hawk. Its wings are green and its breast appears to be barred with red and light blue. This bird also has neck feathers striped with blue and red. These feathers can be raised to form a “fan” around the bird’s head.

These birds look a lot like hawks that have been given a burst of color! And since their tails are shaped more like hawk tails than parrot tails, it’s common for birdwatchers to think they are birds of prey at first.

52. Scarlet Macaw

Close up of a scarlet macaw in the rain forest of Belize.
  • Latin name: Ara macao
  • Habitat: Rainforests of Central and South America
  • Size: About 32″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruits, seeds, nuts, and nectar, although they will also eat bugs
  • Colorful feature: The scarlet macaw just might be the most famous parrot. Its red, blue, and yellow patterning is iconic, and many people think of this bird when they imagine rainforest animals.

This majestic bird is a common sight in the Amazon, but you also may find it in captivity. It was one of the earliest captive-bred parrot species; some evidence suggests that these birds were bred in captivity as far back as the 11th century!

53. Sun Conure

Sun Conure Parrot standing on a stump isolated on green background.