8-year-old boy conquered more than 200 mountains - passion was nurtured from the first time "moving" with his family


The total height of the mountains Charlie Batham has ever reached is equivalent to the height of Mount Everest.

Charlie Batham, an 8-year-old boy from the city of Wakefield, West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom, often spends weekends climbing with his father. Both father and son have  conquered many of the highest mountains  in England, such as Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, Snowdonia.!

Cậu bé 8 tuổi chinh phục hơn 200 ngọn núi - đam mê được nuôi dưỡng từ lần  đầu "xê dịch" cùng gia đình

''Charlie's passion for climbing began at the age of 5, which was also the first time he was able to travel far with his family. ''

It was on his son's 5th birthday that Charlie's mom and dad decided to book a vacation to the island of Anglesey. There, the two asked him if he wanted to do anything, ''and the boy replied that he wanted to climb the mountain.''

8-year-old boy conquered more than 200 mountains - passion was nurtured from the first time "moving"  with family - Photo 1.

Charlie's 5th birthday present is a hike

Up to now, Charlie has conquered more than 200 different peaks, with a total elevation of more than 70,792 meters. In particular, he accomplished this ''formidable achievement within only 4 years of his first climb.''

Sharing about his special passion, Charlie said: I can't believe I have climbed so much. I do this activity to explore and celebrate my achievements, and also, I can see different wildlife that can't be seen at home during the climb.

His son's achievements and perseverance made Paul extremely proud, he said: If there was anything to climb, Charlie would definitely climb immediately without even thinking about the height - he he really looks like a mountain goat.

In addition, Paul said Charlie never asked to come home midway on a hiking or climbing trip. From the beginning to the present, ''the family has only shortened the trip 3 times, and all due to bad weather.''

8-year-old boy conquered more than 200 mountains - passion was nurtured from the first time "moving"  with family - Photo 2.

The whole family has conquered many mountains in England together

One of the toughest challenges Charlie has ever faced was climbing the UK's highest peak, Ben Nevis, 1,345 meters above sea level on the west coast of Scotland.

It was probably the hardest time because Charlie had to be really determined and have a lot of stamina. ''It's a 10 miles (16km) long distance, with 5 miles up and 5 miles down, it's really hard , Paul shared.'

In fact, Paul was in contact with the Guinness World Records committee when Charlie first reached the same height as Mount Everest. ''However, the achievement of the 8-year-old boy was not recognized because the Guinness World Records guidelines stated'': Individuals under the age of 16 are not allowed to hold records that are considered inconsistent with the World Records. minors.