A special rare moment: The twins put their arms around each other after 5 days apart


The moment a couple born prematurely reunited after 5 days of separation with a warm action has caused a storm on social networks. In the clip posted on the media, 'when being returned' to lie next to each other, one baby used his beautiful small hand to hold the other baby to give a warm and affectionate hug to the mother's surprise.

Meghan Huston (26 years old), the mother of twins still remembers that special moment:  It was amazing. That was when the nurse gave baby Declan to me. Then she put baby River next to her. At that moment, 'River threw' her arms around Declan's body, expressing joy and welcome. At that time, I had to say it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. .

A rare special moment: The twins put their arms around each other after 5 days of separation - 1

A baby puts his arm around a warm hug during a special reunion.

.Huston's husband did not have time to run to the hospital to'' witness this impressive'' reunion, but luckily there was a clip. The mother added: Have you heard of twins having a strong bond? I'm so lucky to have witnessed this .


The mother recalls:  At the time, I was sitting on a small stool, taking care of my eldest son. When I stood up, my water broke. I was scared because everything was happening so fast and thought I would give birth at 37 weeks. I had never had a cesarean section before so everything was very strange. 


A rare special moment: The twins put their arms around each other after 5 days of separation - 2

'A happy mother in the moment of hugging her beloved children.

Soon after, Meghan quickly changed clothes and rushed to the nearest hospital to prepare for the caesarean section. Baby Declan was born first and a minute later, ''baby River was born''. The two babies were taken to the intensive care unit shortly after, causing the mother to burst into tears before she could even see her children.

After a quick assessment of the health of the two children, the mother was given a look at the children. She said:  I feel very happy that the children were born safely, but they are so much smaller than their brother when they were born. I also feel sad ''because I can't touch' them right away. 

The twins spent 20 days in the intensive care unit. Five days after being in separate incubators, they were reunited in their mother's arms. 

Declan and River are now 3 months ''old and in' a huge growth spurt. The mother feels very grateful when the children are growing up and health. 


A rare special moment: The twins put their arms around each other after 5 days of separation - 3


The two babies are now grown up, healthier.

Huston said:  I had a miscarriage in July and found out I was pregnant again in August. The night before my test, I saw a double rainbow. ''And then the doctor 'said I was pregnant with twins. This is a coincidence, my wife and I believe it is a precious gift that God has given us .

During her pregnancy, this mother of 3 was threatened with miscarriage once, but fortunately, the doctors and nurses ''supported and cared'' for the mother attentively and enthusiastically to keep these twins. She thanked them for doing their best to make sure the twins were born safely.