Abandoned for Being Different: Heartbreaking Story of a One-Eyed Dog_Beloved


Alesha Brandt’s daughter witnessed someone throwing a puppy out of their car while getting off the bus eight years ago. The puppy was hurt, and the daughter acted quickly by calling her mother for help.


A mother and her daughter hurriedly brought their small dog to the veterinarian’s clinic, fully aware of the urgent need for immediate assistance. The poor pup was noticeably malnourished, deaf in one ear, and suffered a severe eye injury that led to the removal of an eye. Given her delicate state, it seemed unlikely she would survive at first. However, according to Brandt, the little dog unexpectedly came into their lives and defied the odds of not making it through the night.

Brandt and her daughter were convinced that the extraordinary dog was destined to be a part of their family as soon as she had recuperated and was ready to find a permanent home. They officially adopted her into their household and named her Captain Jackie Sparrow the One-Eyed Wonder Dog. However, Meeply, as she is affectionately known, has gained several other aliases over the years.


Unfortunately, Meeply suffered a fractured leg shortly after she was rescued while attempting to leap off the couch. Her pre-existing frailty and history of injuries necessitated an amputation of the damaged limb. At the time of the surgery, Meeply only had one eye, three legs, and one functional ear, but she appeared to be unaware of her condition.

Today marks roughly a decade since Meeply was born, and she still doesn’t seem to acknowledge that she’s not your average canine. Despite her small stature of only 4 pounds, she boasts a unique personality that makes her act like a bigger dog. Meeply is not afraid to assert her dominance and lets every dog she encounters know who’s in charge. According to Brandt, “It’s like she believes she’s the ruler of all dogs.”

Meeply is a little pup who absolutely adores her family and loves to stick close to Brandt like a shadow. Despite her small size, Meeply makes for the perfect travel companion and accompanies her mother on approximately 60,000 miles of travel each year. She has a friendly personality and loves meeting new people, leaving everyone in awe of this tiny dog who manages to live life to the fullest against all odds. According to Brandt, people often become emotional and feel the urge to pet and touch Meeply when they meet her.

Meeply, although confident, still encounters multiple challenges in her daily life. Her balance issues and prominent head tilt make it difficult for her to navigate stairs, limiting her to only six steps before becoming exhausted. Descending stairs is not an option for her, but she doesn’t seem to mind being carried by her caretakers. However, Meeply’s tendency to remain silent about her pain poses a challenge for her family who must closely monitor her to ensure her well-being.

Although Meeply has faced many challenges in her life, she remains the most joyful and affectionate dog. Her family is incredibly thankful for the day she entered their lives.