American family has first baby girl in 138 years: ‘It was a big surprise’_Baby Love


Welcoming a new member – a baby angel is sure to be a joyful event for any family. But for the family of Andrew Clark and Carolyn in the village of Caledonia, Kent County, Michigan (USA), that joy is multiplied many times over, because of something very special and very rare.

According to Good Morning America, baby Audrey was born on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). The baby is now 2 weeks old.

The little girl was lavishly welcomed by the big family for a special reason after 138 years - Photo 1.

The Clark family was very happy to welcome their first baby girl after 138 years of giving birth to all boys

The special thing is, Audrey is the first girl in the family after 138 years of giving birth to a boy. According to the Andrew’s family genealogy, from 1885 to the present, family members have given birth to all boys without a single girl. And Audrey was the first female member of his family since 1885.

“It was such an unexpected and huge gift for all of us ,” Andrew Clark told Good Morning America.

The little girl was lavishly welcomed by the big family for a special reason after 138 years - Photo 2.

Audrey is the first daughter born to Andrew’s family since 1885

Carolyn Clark said when she and her husband first dated more than 10 years ago, he told her about a strange thing that happened in his family but she didn’t believe it at first.

Carolyn recalls: “I was surprised and said, ‘There’s a 50/50 chance of having a boy or a girl. What do you mean?’ He asserted that there is not a single girl born in more than 100 years. last year. I asked his parents and they confirmed the information is correct.”

Her mother-in-law also said that Andrew has a number of relatives who have given birth to girls, but those of the same blood have not.

The couple also said the birth of baby Audrey was very meaningful because Carolyn had previously miscarried in January 2021. Carolyn told WZZM 13 in an interview that the couple already had a son Cameron. (4 years old) before they started trying for another child.

“I had a miscarriage in January 2021 and it took 15 months after the miscarriage to get pregnant with Audrey. She was born on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2023. She really was like a lucky charm for me. Brother Cameron loves Audrey very much and I’m doing a great job as a big brother,” Carolyn explained.

She said: “When we found out we were pregnant, we honestly didn’t care if we were going to have a boy or a girl at that time. We were just grateful that I was pregnant and prayed for a normal pregnancy. Rest in peace, healthy baby. It’s amazing that it’s a girl.”

Carolyn told Good Morning America that she and her husband also don’t mind if they have another son in the future.

The little girl was lavishly welcomed by the extended family for a special reason after 138 years - Photo 3.

Audrey was born with a weight of 2.9kg and a length of 49.5cm

In September 2022, when Carolyn was pregnant, the couple held a gender reveal party attended by family members. They displayed blue and pink decorated cookies to keep people curious. Then, when the cake is broken in half, a pink icing appears, which is also the answer to the baby’s gender.

Andrew said he was shocked when he found out the sex of his baby.

The little girl was lavishly welcomed by the extended family for a special reason after 138 years - Photo 4.
The little girl was lavishly welcomed by the extended family for a special reason after 138 years - Photo 5.

“We also kept it a secret to ourselves. So I thought it would be blue and it would be another boy in the family. But I was shocked. It was a pleasant surprise for us. with us ,” he said.

Carolyn expressed her happiness: “We are very happy that she was finally born healthy, everything went smoothly with birth.”