Boundless Love: A Father Nurturing a Child without Arms and Legs Solo


The Misaytif family is facing the hardships of life in the refugee camps of Idlib, seeking shelter from the attacks by the Assad regime in Syria.

 They are currently living in a relative's tent, and their ''14-month-old child'', Muhammed, was born without limbs. Desperately, they await assistance for his unique needs.


Due to being born without legs and arms, Baby Muhammed cannot play with his peers like other children.

''As a result, he spends most of his day with his cat as a companion.''


In a statement, Halit Misaytif, the father of little Muhammed, ''revealed that his son was born ''without arms and legs.



According to Misaytif, Muhammed requires constant attention and care, always needing to be on someone's lap. Living in the camp, ''they struggle to protect him from the extreme'' weather conditions, both the heat in summer and the cold in winter.


Mısaytıf, who suffered a leg injury in attacks by the Assad regime, expressed the challenges of finding milk for her children. Her difficulty in walking further complicates matters.

 Finding a job has been a struggle, and she is facing ''difficulties'' in obtaining milk for her baby. Additionally, the rising cost of medicines adds to their burdens.

Despite all the hardships, she hopes that Muhammed can continue to live a life like any other child.


Highlighting the challenges Muhammad faces due to his lack of arms and legs, Mısaytıf expressed that he relies heavily on support for his daily needs.

They struggle to obtain essentials ''like milk'', medicine, and diapers. Her hope is that in the future, Muhammad can go abroad and receive prosthetic limbs.

 Her ultimate wish is for him to live a life similar to ''other children,'' and she deeply desires to provide him with a happy and fulfilling life.