Clip: The journey to rescue the poor abandoned dog and the results after that makes viewers extremely surprised

Recently, a video of the World Animal Awareness Society posted on youtube has touched viewers about the journey to rescue an abandoned dog in a state of skin inflammation and illness.

On a sunny day, in a small street where hurried footsteps always passed, a dog named Jenny was lying on the sidewalk. Jenny's body looked very sick and no longer had the strength to stand up. Over the past few days, AB has been abandoned and sick, alone experiencing feelings that only an abandoned animal can understand.

However, one day, everything changes when a kind man passes by. He saw the sick dog lying on the curb and couldn't help but feel pity. Without hesitation, he stopped, moving gently towards AB. The dog mumbled a few weak barks, but his eyes were very troubled, as if he knew the man could help.

It didn't take long for the man to realize that AB needed immediate relief. He contacted the nearby animal shelter and asked for help. In a few minutes, people from the center came to pick up AB. They realized that the dog had a serious illness and was in a very weakened state.

Everyone at the animal shelter started taking care of AB in a kind and caring manner. Although the dog is still weak, but as the days go by, Jenny begins to appear more cheerful, its eyes are more and more shining. Caregivers are constantly looking for ways to provide the best nutrition and genuinely love Jenny.

As time passed, Jenny's health gradually recovered. His once golden fur returned to soft and shiny, his eyes became more radiant. Jenny not only found love and care at the animal shelter, but also found a new home - a new home with the kind man who rescued her. Two souls found each other in happy days.

The story of Jenny is a poignant demonstration of the power of compassion and sharing. It reminds us that in this world, there are small actions that mean a lot, when we stand with the weak and give them hope.

Detailed video of the rescue: