Decked Out In Tones Of Stunning Gold, Bright Orange, And Glossy Jet Black, Using His Beak, This Bird Is A True Artist – Meet The Regent Bowerbird!__Bird lovers


A bird that uses his beak to great effect to mix up some blue paint and decorate his bower!

A bird decked out in stunning gold and jet black combined mixed with a golden orange-yellow crown.

Meet the Regent Bowerbird


Photo Courtesy of Instagram/@opa2115


The Regent bowerbird (Sericulus chrysocephalus), is a medium-sized, up to 25 cm long, sexually dimorphic bowerbird. The male bird is black with a golden orange-yellow crown, mantle, and black-tipped wing feathers. He has a yellow bill, black feet, and yellow eyes.


Photo Courteys of Glen Fergus / CC BY-SA 2.5


The female of the species is pretty much a brown bird with whitish or fawn markings, grey bill, black feet, and crown.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/@birdsofaussie

This bird is native to Australia, mainly found throughout the continents eastern Australian rainforests and its margins and central Queensland to New South Wales.

Photo Courtesy of Seabamirum / CC BY 2.0

The Regent Bowerbirds diet consists mainly of fruits, berries and insects.

Photo Courtesy of David Lochlin / CC BY-SA 2.0

The male bowerbirds build bowers, which can be simple ground clearings or much more elaborate structures, to attract a female mate.

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–There is a good reason why this fluffy bundle of cuteness is often described as the “jewel of the bush!”

The male mixes a muddy greyish blue or pea green “saliva paint” in their mouths which they use to decorate their bowers.

Photo Courtesy of Dominic Sherony / CC BY 2.0

He builds an avenue-type bower consisting of two walls of sticks, decorated with shells, seeds, leaves, and berries. Regents will sometimes use a wad of greenish leaves as “paintbrushes” to help spread the substance. This represents one of the few known instances of tool use by a bird.

Photo Courtesy of Bowerbirdaus / CC BY-SA 4.0

The male may end mating with up to several females and takes no part in raising young.

Photo Courtesy of seabamirum / CC BY 2.0

Being a common species throughout its range, the Regent Bowerbird is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Photo Courtesy of Dominic Sherony / CC BY 2.0

Watch and listen to this bird right here in the video below: