Different expressions of husbands when watching their wives give birth


Seeing his wife in pain, trying to suppress his emotions so that his 'baby could be born', the husband silently turned towards his partner in bitterness and insecurity. 


'Unable to bear the pain 'of giving birth to his wife, this man could only give her a warm and firm hug.


The husband tries to do everything he can to help his wife reduce the pain and suffering of childbirth. 

The man in this photo' could not hold back' his emotions when he saw his wife struggling to give birth. 

'The pitiful gaze of the man's wife' as they went through the arduous journey of giving birth with her made everything warmer.


Being a father for the first time made this man ''unable to hold'' back his emotions when he saw the birth of his beloved child. 


Although he could not fully understand the pain that the'' wife went through during labor'', the husband still felt sorry for what she had to endure. 

Seeing the moment the baby was slowly 'born made' this man burst into emotions.


The father feels happy when he cuts the 'umbilical cord for his baby himself', this is something not everyone is lucky to have.