"Finding Family and Acceptance: The Remarkable Story of the 'Furry' Schoolgirl Abandoned Due to Werewolf Syndrome"_Baby Babbles

Liu Jiangli, a young girl from Guiyang city in Guizhou province, China, was born with a unique condition that covered 60% of her body and part of her face with a black coat. Unfortunately, her appearance led to her mother leaving when she was only two years old. Left in the care of a childcare center, her father never returned to visit her.

6-year-old girl's skin condition leaves her covered in patches of itchy black fur

The childcare center attempted to find relatives for Liu Jiangli by placing a notice in the newspaper, seeking help for the young "fur-covered" girl. After about six months, a relative named Liu Mingying came forward and took her under their care.

Liu Jiangli faced ridicule due to her unusual appearance, making it challenging for her to form friendships with other children who were either afraid of her or teased her.

6-year-old girl's skin condition leaves her covered in patches of itchy black fur

Doctors have not yet provided an official explanation for Liu Jiangli's unique condition. However, some medical professionals speculate that she might be afflicted with Hypertrichosis Universalis syndrome—a rare genetic mutation that leads to excessive hair growth on the face and body. This condition is incredibly rare, occurring in about one in a billion people.

6-year-old girl's skin condition leaves her covered in patches of itchy black fur

Despite her challenges, Liu Jiangli was eventually adopted by a relative and taken in by Liu Mingying. While her condition has not been definitively diagnosed, it is believed that she may be suffering from Hypertrichosis Universalis, often referred to as Werewolf Syndrome, due to its characteristics of excessive hair growth.

6-year-old girl's skin condition leaves her covered in patches of itchy black fur

Liu's story highlights the importance of acceptance, love, and support in the face of unique and challenging circumstances.