From Doubt to Delight: Embracing Motherhood with 10 Children Under 14_Baby Bliss Moments

Women aspire to become mothers, but for a woman who believed she could never have children, her goal seemed almost unattainable. Satu Nordling Gonzalez, a Swedish woman who spent the last 14 years of her life yearning to become pregnant, is now a proud mother of ten children.

Due to severe scarring of Satu's uterus, getting pregnant again proved to be a challenging endeavor. Stress had caused Satu's ovulation to cease entirely, leading her to conclude that she would "never become what I thought I was created to be, a mother." However, after believing it would be impossible, she unexpectedly became pregnant two and a half years later, and her first child, Nicole, was born in 2008.

Satu and Andres, both working in construction, now have six girls and four boys, including their youngest son, Benjamin, who was born just seven months ago. Their other children include Nicole, 13, Vanessh, 12, twins Jonathan and Danilo, 11, Olivia, 8, Kevin, 7, Celinɑ, 6, Isabelle, 3, and Melania, 1.

The busy mom's day starts at 6:30 AM, cooking for her large family, tending to diapers, and preparing her older children for school. Following lunch, she tackles extra laundry, cleans the house, does laundry and dishes, vacuums, and organizes their Swedish home. While managing these tasks, she also supervises the younger family members and ensures they adhere to a strict sleep schedule. When the kids return from school, she provides them with a snack, assists with homework, finishes chores, and starts preparing dinner while they play.

Motherhood demands significant effort and commitment. At times, Satu is so exhausted that she skips breakfast. Yet, the smiles and love of her children are the most rewarding aspects of her journey. According to Baby News, Satu Nordling Gonzalez usually goes to bed around midnight and only finds time for herself and her husband after all the children have gone to bed at 8 o'clock.

Motherhood entails hard work and sacrifice. Sometimes, Satu is so tired that she wakes up without having breakfast. However, the smiles and love of her children remain the most significant rewards for her efforts. After pregnancies, her body has consistently recovered quickly.