From Unintentional Blessing to Proud Advocacy: A Mother's Love for Her Child with Down Syndrome_Baby Babbles


"We were a family of three for seven years when we learned we were pregnant. We had gone through a second child journey that involved fertility drugs, laparoscopic surgery, and failed rounds of IUIs. Finally, we decided to stop trying. Our beautiful and healthy daughter wanted a sibling, but it was too much for us.

Then, during the summer of 2016, I experienced sudden back spasms that made me nauseous. A hunch told me to take a pregnancy test, and there it was - my beautiful big-fat-positive! I immediately called my husband, and we were elated!

However, as the weeks passed, my anxiety grew heavier. We had faced so much to get here, and I feared losing this baby. A sick feeling consumed me every day, and it wasn't just morning sickness.

The OB appointments started, and ultrasounds showed everything was normal. At the 12-week appointment, we were told that the facial bones were perfect, drastically decreasing the chances of Down Syndrome. That was comforting, but I still didn't feel 100% relieved.

I had a social media post ready to share after the appointment, but fear held me back. Thankfully, with some encouragement from my cousin, I gathered the courage to share it, and the comments poured in.

One day, while getting ready for the day, I started bleeding heavily and experienced cramping. Fear overwhelmed me as we rushed to the hospital. The doctors diagnosed it as a subchorionic hemorrhage, with blood trapped between the uterus and gestational membranes. Our entire family gathered in the hospital room, and we saw a strong little heartbeat on the ultrasound.

The rest of the pregnancy was eventful. Our baby was healthy, but there were some concerns, especially related to Down Syndrome. Despite reassurances, I couldn't shake my worries. The day of her birth arrived, and Bella Danielle entered the world at 4 lbs 3 oz.

When the doctor placed her on my chest, I saw it - Down Syndrome. I felt sick, and the whispers of the medical staff only added to my distress. But slowly, I embraced my new role as a special needs mom. Bella faced her challenges with strength, and our family grew closer through the ups and downs.

Bella proved to be anything but ordinary. She didn't fit into the typical Down Syndrome developmental guidelines; she created her own path. She is strong, bright, and gorgeous. Yes, our journey has been messy and complicated, but I will never stop fighting for her. Bella Beautiful, you bring light, hope, and comfort to our lives every day."