How are the beautiful hybrid twins "as if sent from heaven"

''Naomi and Lisa, born on 9/11/2005, used to be a very famous twin sister in the ulzzang world (community of hot boy, hot girl, kid with a beautiful angel-like face) because of their looks. beautiful is like sent down from heaven. The two children seem to have inherited all the best features of their American father and Korean mother. ''
hot kid
The two sisters were once described by netizens as beautiful as angels.
Possessing a very Western high nose bridge, white skin, natural deep brown hair and beautiful, sharp eyes, the faces of these twins seem to be captivating without any paint. all the people around.'' Besides, the extremely stylish fashion style with very quality clothes and the perfect color scheme of the two children in each set of photos also makes netizens stand still''. To the extent that, many people even commented that it was unbelievable that there were two such beautiful, lovely and cute babies in the world. 
Naomi and Lisa always explore everything in the surrounding life together.
Take a look at Naomi and Lisa's childhood photos to understand why they became hot kids , receiving love from fans around the world. 

The fashion sense is very personal.
70s girl lost in the forest.

The two sisters were also oriented to dress style from an early age. While the older sister, Naomi, tomboy, is active, the younger sister Lisa is loving and gentle. The two children always walk side by side like the picture with the ball, study together, ''play together and participate in all the fashion photos that are invited to take''. The sweetness, innocence, purity and an inseparable sisterly affection are something that can be easily felt through each picture of the two sisters. 

The two sisters are always next to each other like a picture and a shadow.

It's shameful that they are the most beautiful Korean-American twins in the world
After a long time without updating their personal pages, Naomi and Lisa make netizens long for a lot. They are curious about the beauty of the two growing up, ask many questions about life, study and do not know where the twins are currently living. 

Often take the puppy out for a walk together.

Naomi tomboy, dynamic, sister Lisa is loving and gentle.

Always be patient and share.
Walk hand in hand around the world.

Pose together with your dog.
According to research, these two girls have turned 11 years old. Although still very lovely and cute as before, Naomi and Lisa's faces have more mature and sharp features. Recently, the two children moved with their family from the US to Korea to live. Many fashion brands continue to look to this pair of sisters as their representative images. 
Thanks to the American father and Korean mother, the two children can completely communicate as their mother tongue in two languages, ''English and Korean''. In addition, the two children are working hard to learn another language, Chinese. On Naomi and Lisa's fanpage, there are also cute clips of them practicing speaking Chinese.


''Lisa's sister is becoming more and more beautiful and mature.''

''And her sister Naomi is no less competitive.''