If there is a prize "Who is the most expressive?", then this award must definitely belong to children.

From hearing the news that the mother had given birth to a baby, to the fact that she drank coffee without letting her child drink or like holding her baby for the first time, meeting a ballet artist, seeing Disney castle with her own eyes... Everything, even being as small as an ant, children always "show" faces with many funny expressions .

In addition to the surprise "eyes of the letter O, mouth of the letter A", the child's pouty lips, or crying face also make anyone who sees the funny photos below can't help but laugh.b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y

101 ways children's funny expressions make everyone laugh - Photo 1.

Eyes are O, mouth are A when hearing that my mother gave birth to me.

101 ways children's funny expressions make everyone laugh - Photo 2.

Hey, this doll knows how to move like the real thing.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 3.

Wow! You are beautiful!

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 4.

Unbelievable. How can you drink coffee without letting me drink it?

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 5.

Lovely reaction when eating chocolate ice cream for the first time.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 6.

Why is mom holding me? Do you not love me anymore?

101 funny ways of children's expressions make everyone laugh - Photo 7.

Wow, the Disney castle is so beautiful!

101 ways children's humorous expressions make everyone laugh - Photo 8.

Mom challenged me to eat all this XL-sized bowl of pho.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 9.

Reading a story that comes to an interesting part is a funny face like this, even though I can't read any words.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 10.

"Hey kid, let's kiss each other." "It's too embarrassing."

101 ways children's funny expressions make everyone laugh - Photo 11.

Mom, why in the world is there a "faulty version" of Santa Claus?

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 12.

Is it true that my parents will let me eat all this cake?

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 13.

Playing roller coaster, the more excited the father is, the louder the child screams.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 14.

"Mom, how dare someone spray water on their car?" - the boy's question when the car wash staff was cleaning the outside of the car.

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 15.

Dad, this car is really cool. It's a lot bigger than my car. Do you stand up to its wheels!

101 humorous expressions of children make everyone laugh - Photo 16.

Who are you. I do not know. My dad has a lot of hair and beard, unlike his uncle.