Interesting facts behind the photo "Mother dog and children"

Recently, on the Toutiao page, a very strange post appeared, about a Labrador dog who accidentally became the mother of 5 tiger cubs. Specifically, in the National Wildlife Refuge in China, the mother tiger has just given birth to a cub, but is extremely indifferent to them.

Bài đăng khiến cộng đồng mạng xôn xao. (Ảnh: Chụp màn hình)

The post caused a stir in the online community.

This caused a lot of headaches for the zoo staff. If they do not drink breast milk, they will grow slowly and weakly. They had to resort to feeding processed foods, but this is not the optimal solution for the development of the tiger cubs.

Mọi người đều ngạc nhiên khi mẹ chó và hổ con sống rất hòa thuận. (Ảnh: Toutiao)

The breeder is determined to find a "adoptive mother" for the tiger herd. The specialist targeted a suitable Labrador dog as a nanny because it had just given birth and met all the necessary requirements. At first, everyone was worried about how long this tiger-dog combo could last. Suddenly they live side by side very harmoniously.

Đại "boss" vẫn hơi ngỡ ngàng một xíu về đàn con mới của mình. (Ảnh: Toutiao) 

It's just that Labrador was a bit stunned, somehow being forced to become the mother of the king of the jungle, not only 1 but 5 children. The face of the "dog - boss" looked very bewildered, his eyes glanced at the staff as if to condemn: "What happened? Who am I?"

However, perhaps the mother's instincts arise, so the "boss dog" adapts to the new situation quickly. The Labrador did an excellent job. Not only giving the tigers milk to drink but also playing with them. Without distinction of race, this is a beautiful picture of motherhood.