Choosing a comfortable sleeping position for babies is a top concern for parents. Because babies cannot move on their own, they need parental support. While researching, many parents wonder if putting babies on their stomachs affects their health or development?

Hướng dẫn cách đặt trẻ sơ sinh nằm sấp an toàn và chi tiết

1. The role of sleeping position for babies

With new born babies, they cannot control their own actions and need the help of their parents. In particular, most of the time children spend sleeping, accumulating energy to be able to develop in the future. During this period, parents should support the baby to choose the most comfortable sleeping position, which is beneficial for physical development.

Parents should adjust the sleeping position for babies

Parents should adjust the sleeping position for babies

Usually, parents will let their newborn baby sleep on their back. However, we can flexibly change the sleeping position for the baby, for example, let the baby lie on his side or let the infant lie on his stomach . Ideally, parents should actively change the position of the baby often, because if the infant is left lying on his or her stomach for too long, the baby may feel breathless, uncomfortable , etc.

In particular, the choice of sleeping position for the baby also affects the development of the baby's brain and body. That is why parents should not be subjective with choosing a sleeping position for their baby in the first months of life.

2. Newborns sleep on their stomachs, should or should they not?

As analyzed above, parents can change the lying position for the child regularly, as long as the baby feels comfortable and sleeps well. But many parents still worry about whether or not they should let their babies sleep on their stomachs.

Should babies be placed on their stomachs?

Should babies be placed on their stomachs?

In fact, the prone position has both advantages and disadvantages, parents can consult and decide whether to let the baby sleep with this position or not!

2.1. Benefits of putting babies on their stomachs

If your baby has to lie on his back or side for a long time, he is at risk of having a distorted or flat head. Because during this period, the baby's skull bones are relatively soft, the shape is very changeable and depends on the infant 's daily lying position . When babies lie on their stomachs, babies often hold their heads up, which has benefits for the development of the brain and many parts of the body, for example: neck, shoulders or back, etc.

Parents must be surprised to learn that the prone position is extremely beneficial for the visual development of young children. With this position, the baby has the opportunity to see everything around him, his vision is significantly expanded. This makes babies feel extremely excited, because they are very excited to explore the world around them.

Some studies also show that when infants lie on their stomachs, the digestive process is more favorable, the baby is less likely to spit up, and bowel movements are easier. However, parents should choose the right time for the baby to lie on his stomach. If the baby lies on his stomach immediately after breastfeeding, the baby will feel quite uncomfortable, colic.

In addition, parents can especially apply the kangaroo warming method, by placing the baby in skin-to-skin contact on the mother's chest, which is also very good for the baby. This method is usually applied to newborn babies.

Sleeping on your stomach helps your baby's digestive system work better

Sleeping on your stomach helps your baby's digestive system work better

2.2. Some disadvantages of letting babies lie on their stomachs

Besides the benefits mentioned above, the prone position can also negatively affect the health and development of babies. That's why parents should learn and consider before putting babies on tummy.

The prone position can increase the risk of sudden infant death, a condition known as SIDS. If the baby lies on the stomach for too long, the activity of the respiratory system will be negatively affected and easily cause breathing difficulties and suffocation. Ideally, parents should pay attention to when their child is sleeping and adjust the lying position for the baby regularly. Lying on the stomach for too long also affects the baby's wrists and ankles, these parts are still quite weak and very easily injured.

  • 5 lợi ích tuyệt vời khi cho trẻ sơ sinh và trẻ nhỏ nằm sấp

When babies lie on their stomachs, dirt or harmful bacteria have the opportunity to attack the body, causing serious infections. To limit this situation, parents remember to clean blankets and pillowcases regularly for babies.

If you don't change your baby's position regularly, your baby may feel uncomfortable

If you don't change your baby's position regularly, your baby may feel uncomfortable

Even babies who lie on their stomach too much often have facial bone deviation, which affects the baby's aesthetic beauty in the future. That's why doctors always encourage parents to change and adjust the sleeping position for babies.

3. Experience in training babies to lie on their stomachs

In general, any sleeping position will be beneficial for the development of the baby if we know how to change the position for the baby. If you are looking to train your baby to lie on his stomach, here are a few tips to follow! Surely these shares will help your baby feel comfortable when lying down, and at the same time ensure the safety of your baby's health.

In the first week of birth, your baby's umbilical cord has not fallen off, so if your baby is lying on his stomach, he will feel quite uncomfortable. Ideally, parents should wait until the umbilical cord falls off and then start training their baby to lie on his or her stomach, or you can practice letting the baby lie on his or her stomach when the baby is full month, the body is strong.

As analyzed above, we absolutely do not let the baby lie on his stomach immediately after breastfeeding, this adversely affects the baby's digestive process. Instead, you should let your baby lie on his stomach after eating for 1-2 hours, so the baby's digestive process will take place more smoothly, limiting the situation of spitting up milk.

Parents can let their baby get used to the prone position

Parents can let their baby get used to the prone position

Because babies are too young, they can't change positions by themselves, so parents need to pay close attention every time they put their babies on their stomachs. In the first time, you should let your baby lie on his stomach for about 1-2 minutes, then increase the time lying on his stomach. When the baby shows signs of suffocation or discomfort, parents must immediately change positions for the child.

Hopefully, the above sharing will help parents train babies to lie on their stomach safely and effectively. Changing positions on a regular basis has many benefits for the newborn baby.