Let's take a look at the best service dogs_Beloved Dogs


Service dog, police dog, etc. is a name for dogs that are specially trained to support people in the field of law enforcement, military or rescue. They are smart and brave, so they have become an important force in helping and supporting people. However, there are only a handful of breeds suitable for this difficult job out of more than 100 existing dog species in the world. What varieties are those? Let's find out together!

  1. German Shepherd is a breed of German Shepherd dog , they are also known by many names such as: Alsatian, Alsatian Wolfdog, Berger Allemand, and Deutscher Schäferhund . In Vietnam, they are called Shepherds or Shepherds. This breed was successfully bred in Germany in 1899 with the first purpose of herding sheep. Then, thanks to outstanding characteristics such as good health, agility, flexibility, loyalty, the ability to learn and obey orders, the German Shepherd is increasingly popular. This is the third most intelligent dog breed in the world, just behind the Border Collie and the Poodle and it is alsoOne of the most popular dog breeds in America .


    The German Shepherd is a medium sized dog. As adults, they can reach the following size parameters: Weight: 32 - 45 kg, height: 50 - 65 cm, length: 100 - 117 cm. This dog has a very strong and majestic appearance. They have two large, high-pitched ears, a long square muzzle, a black nose, brown eyes, and strong jaws. The common coat color of the German Shepherd is black - dark yellow, red - brown . The average lifespan of this breed is 7 to 10 years.


    This is a dog that loves to exercise and learn. They have the ability to learn simple commands after only 5 times of practice and the ability to obey up to 95% of commands from their owners. It is thanks to this ability to learn and obey orders that the German Shepherd has become the most popular breed of dog . Many countries choose them to serve in the military, as service dogs and rescue dogs. They are trained for jobs such as: scouting, detecting mines, parachuting, tracking and controlling criminals, sniffing out banned substances such as drugs, rescue ...


    In Vietnam today, purebred German Shepherd dogs or imported from abroad cost from 8 to 15 million VND/head . German Shepherds sold for less than 8 million VND are usually bad breeds, substandard or hybrid dogs, not purebred.

    A German Shepherd with a standard body
    A German Shepherd with a standard body
    German Shepherd
  2. Top 2

    The Rottweiler , also known as the Rott, is a herding dog that originated in Germany. The Rottweiler is one of the four great German dogs : Rottweiler, Becgie, Doberman and Leonberger . This breed was successfully bred in 1800 from the Italian Mastiff to serve the purpose of herding.


    The Rottweiler is a large dog . Adults can reach a weight of 60 kg and a height of up to 69 cm. This breed usually has two main coat colors, black and brown, with short, body-hugging hair; Dark brown eyes, drooping ears. If the German Shepherd impresses with its slim and flexible body, the Rottweiler impresses with its muscular toned body, showing their strength and endurance. An adult Rottweiler has a bite force of up to 136 kg. The average lifespan of a Rottweiler is between 10 and 12 years.

    Although it looks a bit fierce, the Rottweiler is quite a calm dog. They are herd and have a high protective instinct. They also have good fighting ability and tolerance to injury. Because of these properties, the Rottweiler is well suited to guard or guard duties. However, it is also because the protective instinct is too high that the Rottweiler can become aggressive. They need a rigorous and professional training to be able to bring out their best. Once tamed Rottweiler will become the most loyal and devoted friend.


    Thanks to his toughness, composure, good fighting ability, Rottweiler is trained and served in rescue forces, security forces, police, army... for jobs such as: scouting, guarding guard, guard, search for victims... In addition, Rottweiler is also trained as a guide dog for the blind. In Vietnam today, you can buy a Rottweiler with prices ranging from 5 to 10 million VND . This is the price for Rottweilers bred from dog farms in Vietnam. With imported dogs, you will have to spend from 10-25 million VND depending on the "beautiful" of each dog.

    Rottweiler has a big muscular body
    Rottweiler has a big muscular body
    A Rottweiler training session
  3. The Belgian Malinois is a breed of Belgian shepherd dog. In Vietnam, they are commonly known as Belgian beers or black-snouted beers. This breed was successfully bred in the 1800s. They are the result of a cross between a German Shepherd and a native Belgian Shepherd.


    The Belgian Malinois is a medium-sized dog . They can weigh up to 34 kg and be 66 cm tall when fully grown. The Belgian Malinois ' coatis short, body-hugging, black or fawn. Their bodies are balanced and flexible. Long erect ears, brown eyes, long snout with characteristic black color. This breed has a fairly long lifespan, from 12 to 14 years.

    The Belgian Malinois is an intelligent, active dog with the ability to obey orders well. They love to participate in intense activities. Therefore, they need to be exercised and active every day to easily consume energy in the body. The Belgian Malinois should never be chained or confinedunless absolutely necessary. Owners of the Belgian Malinois need good control, discipline and love to acquire this powerful breed.


    Thanks to its highly commanding nature, flexible, powerful mobility, and keen hearing, the Belgian Malinois has become the breed used in the US K-9 canine force. They are trained to check for traces of flammable/explosive substances in places where the President of the United States is going and around the White House. In addition, Belgian Malinois are also trained to participate in rescue operations, search for missing people, track down suspects and participate in forest rangers.


    If you want to own a Belgian Malinois, you need to spend an amount between 5 and 9 million. This is the price for dogs bred at domestic dog houses. With imported dogs, you need to spend from 20 to over 30 million VND.

    Belgian Malinois has a slim, flexible body
    Belgian Malinois has a slim, flexible body
    Training Belgian Malinois
  4. The Doberman Pinscher , commonly known as the Doberman for short , is a German breed of dog . They were successfully bred by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann (1834 - 1894) in 1890 for the purpose of guard dogs. The appearance of the Doberman Pinscher was very popular at that time because of their unique and powerful appearance. Thanks to its special appearance and many outstanding characteristics such as: intelligence, loyalty, courage... Doberman Pinscher has become one of the four great national dogs of Germany and is also a very popular dog breed in the world. gender.

    The Doberman Pinscher
     is a large dog breed.Adults can reach a maximum height of 70 cm and weigh up to 45 kg. They have two main coat colors, black and black - yellow ; There are rare cases of white coat color but these dogs are usually not healthy. The Doberman Pinscher has a long tail and drooping ears , but it is customary to cut off the ears and tail from an early age to increase their strength and avoid a broken tail or ear infection later in life. The lifespan of this breed ranges from 11 to 13 years.

    Because it was bred for the purpose of being a guard dog, the Doberman Pinscher is aggressive, has a high ability to attack and track opponents, and a strong instinct to protect its owner and territory.This breed is also extremely loyal, obedient and ready to sacrifice themselves to protect its owner. Due to this strong personality, Doberman Pinscher needs serious and professional training.

    As a working dog, Doberman Pinscher is often trained for highly offensive jobs such as catching and controlling criminals. In addition, they are also trained for guarding, searching for banned substances, rescue, searching for victims... Doberman Pinscher has also been raised quite a lot in Vietnam today. A Doberman Pinscher usually costs about 5 to 7 million VND. As for dogs from reputable farms with full documents, the price is from 8 to 12 million VND.

    Doberman Pinschers have their tails and ears cut off to increase their strength
    Doberman Pinschers have their tails and ears cut off to increase their strength
    Train Doberman Pinscher how to attack
  5. The Giant Schnauzer is a breed of dog that originated in Germany . They are the largest in the Schnauzer family, which consists of three types divided by size: Giant Schnauzer (large Schnauzer), Standard Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer) and Miniature Schnauzer (small Schnauzer). This breed was successfully bred around the 17th century with the original purpose of protecting factories and farms. When World War I and II broke out, the Giant Schnauzer was trained for military service and became popular ever since.


    An adult Giant Schnauzer can reach a maximum height of 70 cm and weigh 47 kg . They have two main coat colors, black and salt and pepper with two alternating black and white coat colors. In addition, this breed has a rather unique appearance feature that they have "beards" and "eyebrows", long tufts of hair over the eyes and around the muzzle that make them look very fancy. In some countries, the Giant Schnauzer will have its ears and tail cut off at an early age to create a beautiful appearance. The lifespan of this breed ranges from 10 to 12 years.


    Giant Schnauzers have a rather calm personality, they are intelligent, flexible and have a very high sense of territorial defense. When trained professionally, this breed is capable of obeying orders, loyal and very efficient. Giant Schnauzer has one Especially sharp nose should be trained for the purpose of rescue, find victims, track suspects, track traces of banned substances in public areas.


    The popular Schnauzer breed in Vietnam today is the Miniature Schnauzer, which costs about 15 million VND for a puppy. The Standard Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer lines are not popular, so if you want to raise a Giant Schnauzer , you may have to spend up to several tens of millions of dong to buy imported dogs.

    Giant Schnauzer has funny tufts of hair around the eyes and around the snout
    Giant Schnauzer has funny tufts of hair around the eyes and around the snout
    A Giant Schnauzer during the suspect control training
  6. The Dutch Shepherd is a breed of sheepdog that appeared around the 19th century in the Netherlands. They were used by Dutch farmers to help in herding cattle. However, during the agricultural machinery boom in Europe, the breed dwindled to the point of near extinction because farmers no longer needed their support. Thanks to the conservation efforts of the Dutch government in recent years, the breed's population is gradually recovering. The Dutch Shepherd is considered a rare and precious breed.


    The Dutch Shepherd is a medium-sized dog , when grown up they will have a height of about 60 cm and a weight of about 40 kg. They have 3 main coat types: short hair, long hair, thick hair with two tones of black - yellow or black - white. Their body is slim, so they are very flexible, fast running speed, large bite force of jaws. The Dutch Shepherd has a fairly long lifespan, about 13 to 15 years.


    The Dutch Shepherd is a very intelligent, loyal and alert dog. They are very independent and capable of completing tasks without the supervision of their owners. Dutch Shepherd if well trained will become very useful, especially in protecting and guarding objects or houses.


    It is thanks to these outstanding features that the Dutch Shepherd has become a very popular working dog. In their homeland of the Netherlands, they are the main working dog in the military and police forces. In the US, the Dutch Shepherd and the Belgian Malinois are the two core breeds of the K-9 canine force. They are trained for the following jobs: detecting explosives, banned substances; arrest and attack criminals; help search for victims...


    The average price for a Dutch Shepherd in Vietnam is currently 10 million VND. If you want to buy a trained dog, the price will be higher depending on where it is sold.

    A purebred Dutch Shepherd
    A purebred Dutch Shepherd
    Training Dutch Shepherd to attack
  7. Labrador Retriever, also known as Lab dog, is an extremely popular dog breed and is loved by many people because of its gentle, friendly appearance. This is a breed of hunting dog whose ancestor is the Greater Newfoundland dog . In the 1800s, the Labrador Retriever was brought to Europe and quickly became a favorite of the upper classes. They are trained to assist their owners in hunting and retrieving prey. At this time, the hunting movement was very developed and thanks to that, the Labrador Retriever quickly became popular. Currently, they are one of the most raised dog breeds in the US and many other countries.

    Labrador Retrievers
     are medium sized, they can reachheight is 61 cm and weight 34 kg as an adult. This breed has a short coat that hugs the body with three main colors: black, brown, and light yellow. The body of the Labrador Retriever is quite balanced and toned. In addition, because they are hunting dogs, they have very strong jaws. A well-fed Labrador Retriever can live for 12 to 14 years.


    Labrador Retriever loves to be around humans. They are always calm, gentle and a reliable friend. The Labrador Retriever is especially fond of children and is the ideal breed for families. They do not need to be active with high intensity like many other breeds, but only need to be given moderate exercise and attention to the diet to avoid obesity. They are also very easy to train because of their high ability to grasp and obey commands. Labrador Retrievers are particularly fond of water and can swim well.


    Due to its calm, non-aggressive personality, peaceful appearance, and easy approach, the Labrador Retriever has become the most popular support dog for the blind (also known as guide dog) and the disabled. They are also often used in local police forces as an auxiliary rather than as an offensive force like other breeds. Labrador Retrievers are trained to perform tasks such as: tracing victims, finding objects, sniffing out banned substances or explosives...


    Labrador Retriever is also very popular in Vietnam, so the price is relatively cheap. You can buy a good Labrador Retriever from dog farms for between 6 and 10 million VND and for imported dogs, the price is in the 9 to 15 million VND range.

    Labrador Retriever has a gentle, friendly appearance
    Labrador Retriever has a gentle, friendly appearance
    A working day of Labrador Retriever
  8. Top 8

    Boxer Dog

    The Boxer or Boxer dog is a fighting dog breed that was bred from two ancient German breeds, the Bullenbeiszer and the Barenbeiszer . The name "Boxer" comes from the way they fight with a lot of their front legs, reminiscent of boxers. In addition to being used for competition purposes, Boxer dogs are also used for hunting, herding or keeping house. This breed is also very popular and is ranked 8th among the most raised dog breeds in the United States.

    The Boxer
     is also a medium-sized dog. They can usually reach about 63 cm in height and 32 kg in weight as an adult. Boxer doghas a short, sleek and body-hugging coat with two main coat colors, brown and striped (a mix of brown and black fur). Black and white are rare coat colors, dogs with this coat color are often unhealthy and up to 18% are born deaf. The Boxer 's distinguishing feature is the patch of white fur on the chest , many with white hair on all 4 feet. This breed is often cut ears and tail from an early age. Boxer dogs have a lifespan of between 9 and 10 years. The Boxer is a curious, active, cheerful and versatile dog. Boxer dog

    very suitable for families as they love children and do not need too much space to operate. However, it should be noted that this breed is quite stubborn and needs to be trained from an early age; They also love to bite and hide small objects in the house. Boxer dogs were very popular in the German army during the war, they were used for tasks such as mail delivery, patrolling ... on the battlefield. Today, Boxers are trained to serve in border patrol forces in the United States, they are also trained to search for prohibited substances such as drugs or explosives and attack when necessary .


    The price of Boxer dogs in Vietnam is relatively cheap compared to many other breeds , about 4 to 6 million VND for a puppy and about 6 to 8 million VND for an adult dog. The price of imported dogs ranges from 8 to 15 million VND.

    A Boxer with uncut ears and tail
    A Boxer with uncut ears and tail
    Boxer dog training
  9. Top 9

    The Bloodhound is a breed of hunting dog with long origins in Belgium, they are also known as the Chien de Saint-Hubert . Bloodhounds are bred from many different outstanding hunting dogs, so they have an extremely sharp sense of smell. This breed is often used to track and chase prey. Today, this Bloodhound breed is very popular in the UK and the US. Bloodhound has a very striking appearance with large, long ears that hang down the sides of the face; thick, wrinkled skin; short hair, close to the body, brown, black, reddish brown.

    Bloodhound is a large-sized dog, they can grow up to 69 cm and weigh 50 kg when fully grown. This breed has a very short lifespan, between 7 and 9 years. The oldest recorded Bloodhound is 12 years old.

     are calm and gentle, and rarely bark. They do not require much exercise and are suitable for families with limited space. However, this breed is quite stubborn and needs training from an early age.

     is used in police forces, rangers to track down criminals, missing people, victims, rare animals...With their calm and persistent nature, they can sniff continuously for hours, traveling miles to get the job done. Bloodhounds are also used in investigating murders, identifying suspects, looking for evidence, so they are also called Detective Dogs. In Vietnam, Bloodhound is not yet popular, so there is no domestic source of dogs. If you want to raise a Bloodhound , you need to buy dogs from foreign dog houses. The current price of Bloodhound dogs ranges from $900 to $1,200 (VND 19 to 25 million).

    Bloodhound dogs have characteristic long, large ears
    Bloodhound dogs have characteristic long, large ears
    Introducing the work of a Bloodhound in the rangers
  10. The German Short-Haired Pointer is a breed of short-haired hunting dog developed in the late 19th century in Germany for hunting purposes. They are very versatile, able to perform well in many types of terrain from forests to lakes. The job of the German Short-Haired Pointer is to assist in tracking, catching, and retrieving small prey. This breed is increasingly popular and is currently in the top 20 most raised dog breeds in the US.

    German Short-Haired Pointer
     has a slim, flexible body. They are medium sized dogs with a maximum height and weight of 64 cm and 32 kg respectively. Their coat is short and coarse, with colors: yellow, brown, white; They often have spots on their fur. German Short-haired Pointer are usually docked at an early age. The lifespan of this breed is relatively long, about 12 to 15 years.


    The German Short-haired Pointer is an intelligent, energetic, hard-working dog. They are also very loyal and love children. However, the German Short-haired Pointer is not suitable for families who do not have experience with dogs or do not have a large space because this breed is quite stubborn and needs a lot of activity.

    German Short-haired Pointer
     is often trained for the purpose of sniffing out mines, explosives, searching for suspects, scouting... Thanks to its compact size, agility, flexibility, German Short-haired Pointer is a breed that is used a lot on the battlefield, especially in the wars in the Middle East of Britain and America in recent times.

    German Short-haired Pointers
     are also not popular in Vietnam, their current price is from 850 to 1,000 USD/head (about 18 to 21 million VND).

    The German Shorthaired Pointer is also nicknamed
    The German Shorthaired Pointer is also known as the "Pointing Dog".
    German Shorthaired Pointer in the British Army