Looking at the dumpling cheeks of the "Pencil boy" in real life, no one expected that he was born 1 month prematurely.

Looking at this chubby baby's rosy cheeks like dumplings, people immediately think of the character Shin - the Pencil boy.

The image of chubby and chubby babies always receives the love of everyone, especially mothers who have been raising small children. The general mentality of the majority of Vietnamese people still prefers their children to have a little skin and flesh and thinks that growing up will be just right. Therefore, when seeing pictures of fat babies, mothers rush to ask for their experience in taking care of their children.

After showing pictures of her son Max'lion The body is full, the skin is pink and white, especially the dumpling cheeks that look exactly like the pencil boy Shin of Max'lion that makes everyone want to "pinch cheeks", "please for mercy"...

Max'lion dumpling cheeks make many people think of the image of Shin Pencil Boy.

It is known that Max'lion is currently 7 months old, the baby weighs 10.3kg. Few people know that this chubby boy was once a baby born 1 month premature. " When I was born, I only weighed 3.1kg. My baby was born prematurely, so I had to have an emergency surgery. Because of the cesarean section, my blood pressure was high, so I had to stay in the recovery room, there was no milk, the baby kept crying," she said

With the desire to breastfeed her baby, after giving birth, Max'lion also tried every way to increase milk for her baby but failed. Not having enough milk to breastfeed while the child was hungry and crying,  Fortunately, her family understood and encouraged her, so after that, she accepted to breastfeed her baby and was no longer burdened by not having enough milk to breastfeed.

Thief, despite eating milk from outside almost completely, but Max'lion absorbed well, gaining weight steadily over the months, so by 6 months, the baby weighed 10kg.

Max'lion used to be a premature baby, when he was born he weighed 3.1kg.

Revealing about Max'lion dumpling cheeks that make everyone fall in love with her, Phuong said that maybe it's because she inherited many of her father's features: "Just like her father. Actually, the noodle is not too fat, just Only the dumpling cheeks stand out ."

When asked about the secret to raising a plump child, young mother revealed: " I simply feed my child's needs, do not force him to do anything. Like when there is not enough milk to breastfeed, I I'm satisfied with using formula milk. Then, based on the needs of my baby, I adjust my lifestyle for science and reason. When my baby enters the weaning age, due to being busy, I don't have time, so I feed him. miles according to the traditional method, not too fussy, but still ensure that each meal of your child has all the groups of substances ".

The baby's chubby body and dumpling cheeks make everyone fall in love.

Currently, Max'lion schedule is very regular. Every day, the baby drinks 3 bottles of milk, each bottle is about 200ml, combined with 2 solid meals in the morning and afternoon. In the evening, around 9 o'clock the baby will go to sleep through the night until 6:30 or 7 am the next morning. From birth until now, the baby's activity schedule has changed slightly from month to month, especially the bedtime is regular and punctual, Max'lion hardly stays up late, nor does it get up late.

Mother said that although she eats - sleeps - rests in moderation, it doesn't take much effort for her to practice her child's routine: " From the beginning of the month, the baby eats when it's time to eat, and sleeps when it's time to sleep. At the end of the month, she has I'm a little more disturbed, so I have to hold it to sleep, then I'll be disciplined. When I wake up in the morning, I will eat a meal of porridge at 8 o'clock, then take a bath and play for about 2 o'clock. I will sleep. When I sleep, I will sleep. I used to add 1 bottle of 200ml milk. My baby's eating, sleeping, playing schedule was regular like that. From 5 months, I trained her to give up night feeding. After weaning at night, she slept well until morning. "

Feeding and sleeping in a scientific and regular manner is one of the secrets of raising plump children of Kien Giang's mother.

Mother g also sent a message to other parents that each baby will have different characteristics and different needs. Therefore, parents can base on the needs and interests of their children to adjust eating and sleeping appropriately. Thus, raising children is both leisurely and well developed.