"Newborn Sensation: "Mowgli" Baby Boy Captivates Hearts with His Abundant Jet Black Hair!"_Baby Bliss Moments


Upon seeing little Oscar Jones, one might easily mistake him for Mowgli from The Jungle Book. The baby boy was born with nearly two inches of jet black hair adorning his head. His luscious locks were even visible on scans while he was still in the womb, with doctors estimating it to be around a half inch thick.

Naturally, his parents were taken aback by the amount of hair when he was born. According to reports, they had to take him for his first haircut at a mere eight weeks old.

Parents Sara Morris, 36, and Joshua Jones, 29, proudly share that they often receive compliments on his impressive locks when they're out and about. At 20 weeks old, Sara affectionately refers to him as Mowgli.

She said, "We couldn't believe just how much hair he had when he was born! It's not something you see very often! His hair was, and still is, very thick and very black. Joshua and I have brown hair, though he takes after his dad more than me in that aspect."

"Oscar seems to be aware of his abundant hair, I think. When we lie him down, he'll put his arms over his head and play with it. But he'll start crying when he accidentally pulls it, because his fingers get tangled up!"

During her pregnancy with Oscar, Sara suffered from pregnancy diabetes. After a particular week in May, where she experienced intense heartburn, she and Joshua decided to visit the doctors. It was during a scan that they first caught a glimpse of Oscar's hair.

"We went for a regular checkup and learned that Oscar already had 1cm of hair. So we were expecting him to have some head hair when he was born. But we didn't expect quite as much as we got!"

"I took one look at him and said, 'He looks just like Mowgli!' Everyone else then looked and said, 'Yeah, you're right! He's Mowgli!' Joshua's parents have taken to calling him little Mowgli ever since. It started because of his hair, but he's also very cheeky, so I think it will stick!"

At the time of writing, baby Oscar boasts almost five inches of black hair on his head. Perhaps if I ask nicely, he'll let me borrow some!

What a cheeky little chap Oscar is. And what beautiful locks!