Nο οпe οffered the mοther cοпgratulatiοпs οп the delivery οf her daughter..._baby baby


After giving birth to her child, the room descended into a complete and tense silence, which the mother was unable to comprehend. She was terribly concerned that her comments would disturb the serenity.





After nine months of attempting, Eliza Jamkochian Bahneman, 36, and her husband Erik, 41, were ecstatic to discover in 2018 that they were expecting a child.



Bahneman was so pleased with her pregnancy that she told her sister, sister-in-law, and a few of her acquaintances about it. They were all pregnant at the same time and had children simultaneously. The expectant mother anxiously awaited the birth of her miraculous child into this marvelous world.



Eventually, the infant girl chose to leave the safety of her mother's womb one month earlier than anticipated. In October 2018, Isabella, also known by the nickname "Bella," was born.


This infant was born weighing 512 pounds after a total of 12 hours of grueling labor. What was intended to be a joyous occasion, however, waned over time.





Unnerved, Bahneman observed an opaque silence with murmurings filling the room. She commented as she reflected on the past:

Why is nobody sending me well wishes? Why does my partner experience such insecurity and fear? Why does my mother refuse to gaze at me?

Numerous tests and evaluations conducted after Bella's transfer to the NICU revealed that she had the uncommon genetic condition Treacher Collins. Consequently, the facial bones do not develop normally.


As a consequence, Isabella was born with a number of issues, including hearing loss and a narrow airway. Thus began the arduous voyage consisting of emergency surgeries and rushed hospital visits.

Numerous treatment appointments were required of Bella. Included are speech therapy, occupational therapy, and music lessons for her hearing impairments.

Isabella's growth appeared to be accelerating after two years. Nonetheless, as a result of her illness, this 2-year-old was now experiencing negative social reactions, with people judging her solely by her appearance. But the mother responded:


"Each of us possesses unique qualities, some of which are more evident than others. If everyone on earth were identical, the world would be less vivacious."

The mother desires to continue teaching and raising awareness about Treacher Collins's condition. Bahneman's overarching goal is to inspire others to demonstrate compassion for those with this illness. In the end, this is the only thing anyone should do when they encounter a particularly attractive individual