Parents do these 2 things with their children 1 hour before going to sleep, the child's IQ and EQ will develop dramatically, the future will be bright.

1 hour before going to bed, parents remember to do these two things with their children to help their children's IQ and EQ develop more.

Research by Harvard University in the United States shows that, to become a truly successful person, we need 80% EQ and 20% IQ. From that, it can be seen that IQ and EQ are very important for the development of children, affecting the future. Because of that, parents today are increasingly interested in improving this index for their children.

Parents can see the child's IQ with the naked eye through observing the child's acquisition of knowledge or learning results. Children's EQ can be seen from simple daily activities, such as when children sit at the table to eat or play. Scientific studies on the brain show that 1 hour before bedtime is a golden time to promote the structure of the brain of young children. Therefore, if you want to improve your children's IQ and EQ, parents can often do the following 3 simple things that will help foster high intelligence and emotions for their children:

1. Talking to children

Talking is the best way to connect emotionally between parents and children, also when children learn a lot. Parents can ask their children about what happened during the day. Through conversations and close sharing, you can understand more about your child, and at the same time can give advice and encouragement to help them solve questions or problems they are facing.

Parents do these 2 things with their children 1 hour before going to sleep, the child's IQ and EQ will develop dramatically, the future is bright - Photo 1.

Illustration: Internet

From there, children can not only hone their language skills but also improve their ability to communicate with those around them. Besides, children's cognitive process comes from two places, one is in books and the other is from the parents' mouth. Therefore, talking with children is essentially a learning process of children that parents must not ignore. Studies also show that kids who like to talk tend to have higher EQ and IQ than other kids. Many children love to talk, even interrupting the conversation of parents and adults, making them angry. In fact, these children often have good language skills, can master many vocabulary early compared to their peers.

Researchers have shown that children who talk a lot at school, when in middle age, have better memory, more fluent speech, better control of the situation. Such children have stronger logical thinking abilities and have high EQ and IQ as they grow up.

Language is our communication tool. Children who talk a lot sometimes make adults feel a bit annoying, but that is a sign of a smart child, with a future in the future.

2. Tell stories, read books with children

Children often love to have their parents tell stories or read books to them before going to sleep. However, many parents often ignore this need of their children for many reasons without realizing that this simple habit has a positive impact on their children's EQ and IQ.

Telling stories or reading books before bed is a natural way to stimulate imagination, thinking ability and is very beneficial for improving memory of children.

Parents do these 2 things with their children 1 hour before going to sleep, the child's IQ and EQ will develop dramatically, the future is bright - Photo 2.

According to scientists, children who are told stories from a young age will have more flexible brain cells, better brain development. This is because when hearing the stories of adults, children will automatically imagine the story in front of them, and their thinking is also richer and more diverse. On the other hand, listening to stories also stimulates children's memory ability. If you introduce a new story the night before and the next morning ask your child to retell it in his own way, it will help him practice concentration and improve memory quite well.

When listening to stories told by parents, children will "load" a large vocabulary, and at the same time exercise the ability to organize logical language. Thanks to that, they can expand many new words, know how to arrange sentences properly, the communication process is also convenient, and it is easy to convey what they want to say. On the contrary, if children are young, they rarely If you listen to your parents read stories before going to sleep, your vocabulary will be relatively limited and your ability to express it will also be much worse than those of you whose parents tell you stories often.

Reading to your children is the best way to increase your child's IQ and EQ. In addition, it also helps children form good study habits later on.