Seeing the new born baby covered with wax, the mother burst into tears

She even waved her hand to tell the nurse not to hold the baby close because she was scared.

According to common psychology, when pregnant, most pregnant women will imagine what their baby will look like. Surely it will be a white, plump, pretty baby just like the babies on the internet or in the movies. However, in fact, not every baby is born so clean, white and pink. On the contrary, there are many mothers who have "fallen back" when they see their baby for the first time.

Originally a hotgirl of the university, Lam Tri (who lives in China) was even more delighted to be married to the "male god" director of the company. Everyone said that she and her husband were fairy women's pearls, so it is certain that in the future the child will be born with excellent beauty. Therefore, during pregnancy, Lam Tri often imagines the image of a lovely, chubby baby lying skin-to-skin on her belly.

However, after going through 3 hours of difficult and painful birth, instead of happiness, Lam Che burst into tears when she saw her baby for the first time when the nurse brought the baby to her mother. Moreover, she waved her hand to tell the nurse not to bring the baby near.

Seeing her newborn baby covered with wax, the mother burst into tears - Photo 1.

Seeing her newborn baby look like a "snowman", Lam Tri was so scared that she didn't dare to hold her baby in her arms (Artwork)

And all the consoling and consoling words of doctors and nurses turned into humming noises because Lam Che's mind was filled with a question at that time: Why are my parents so beautiful, but I was born ugly . , looks like a "snowman"? Has there been any confusion? Or did I eat something while pregnant that caused the child to be poisoned and mutated?

After the nurse took the child out to meet his family, the doctor approached and asked Lam Che why he didn't accept the child. Hearing her say that she felt scared when she saw the baby's face covered with a white waxy substance and asked if the baby was sick, the doctor laughed and explained: Mother rest in peace . mind, this child is very healthy and beautiful. The white waxy substance that covers the baby's body is just a layer of wax on the skin. Wash it clean and it will disappear immediately.

Seeing her newborn baby covered with wax, the mother burst into tears - Photo 2.

The vernix wax layer is like a warm cotton shirt that protects the baby for 9 months and 10 days in the womb, born safely and healthy (Artwork)

Also according to the doctor, this white waxy layer is called vernix caseosa. It is formed on the baby's skin around 17-20 weeks of pregnancy and will follow the baby until birth. Although the white wax layer on the baby's body looks "dirty", it actually contains mainly water (80.5%), the rest is fat (10.3%) and protein. 9.1%).

And importantly, the white wax layer has many "miracle" uses to protect the fetus:

- Protect fetal skin:  The wax layer of vernix is ​​the barrier between the amniotic fluid and the skin of the fetus. We all know the baby's skin is very delicate, and if the baby's skin is "soaked" for 9 months and 10 days in amniotic fluid, it will definitely be damaged. So, the white wax layer is like a coat that helps protect the fetal skin cells from the impact of amniotic fluid.

- Moisturizing and maintaining the baby's temperature constant after birth: The vernix wax layer also helps the baby maintain a stable body temperature after leaving his "nest" to the outside world. Therefore, doctors often recommend that babies should not be bathed in wax immediately after birth. Instead, wait about 24-48 hours before giving your baby a bath.

- Protecting the baby from infection during vaginal birth: The mother's "little girl" sometimes contains pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and they can completely enter the baby's body during normal delivery. However, if there is a layer of vernix wax, the child will be safe because this wax contains substances that fight bacteria and viruses.

- Lubricates birth:  This vernix wax also has a lubricating effect, so to a certain extent it helps the baby pass through the birth canal more easily.

In short, if you see your baby looking like a "snowman" for the first time, you shouldn't be scared or worried. Instead, be glad that your baby has always been protected by a warm cotton shirt from pregnancy until birth.