Suddenly one morning when you wake up, you are really surprised to see that the baby still curled up in your belly is now here - right next to you...


The journey of bringing new life into the world is an awe-inspiring experience that encompasses a plethora of emotions,''both for the expectant mother and her loved ones''. The moments before and after giving birth are imbued with a unique blend of anticipation, excitement, and trepidation.


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One journey closes and a new one opens.

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth


''As the due date draws near, the expectant mother might experience a mix of joy and nervousness''. In those final moments before birth, time seems to slow down, and the atmosphere is charged with a sense of profound significance. ''Family members and medical professionals stand by, providing support and reassurance.''

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Beautiful little princess.

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''From paper to real life.''

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth

The instant when the baby enters the world marks a pivotal moment of transformation. The joyous cries of the newborn fill the room, ''flooding hearts with immense happiness and relief''.

 Overwhelmed with love, the new mother embraces her precious bundle, ''forming'' an unbreakable bond.

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth
''A long journey.''

The moments after birth are equally profound as the family basks in the miracle of life. Amidst exhaustion and elation, a new chapter unfolds, ''and the journey of parenthood begins'', creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth
'The pass and now.'

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'Little angel.'

12 beautiful moments before and after giving birth
The family has a new member!

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Mom's baby is here!

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