Synthesize 50+ types of birds that bring good luck_Bird lovers


Currently raising ornamental birds at home is not too strange for many people, especially those who like to have a pet in the house. But if your house is not large enough to house large birds, don't worry. In the following article, I will show you the small ornamental birds that are often kept in the house, please refer to it!

Ornamental birds are birds with a not too large body, suitable for indoor and outdoor rearing in residential areas and country-style restaurants. These birds are usually quite easy to raise, but still require the care and meticulousness of aquarists. If you're not too clever, check out some suggestions for easy-to-keep birds below.


As one of the worm species in Vietnam, the Son Ca bird has a small body, only as big as a fist of an adult. Birds often have multicolored feathers, yellow on the head, brown, black on the upper body and white on the abdomen.
small ornamental birds
Depending on the climatic characteristics of each region, the feathers of the lark will be slightly different. If in Hue, the feathers are more yellow than usual and have a scaly shape on the forehead, but the Son Ca Da Nang has notches on the forehead.
Vietnamese ornamental birds
The Lark is a famous songbird with a beautiful "voice" and is easy to raise. Bird food is quite simple, consisting of only worms, grains, etc. This Vietnamese ornamental bird often soars high, turns many times and sings very interestingly.


Scientifically known as Garrulux Canorus, nightingales often live in forests, gardens, parks, etc. This Vietnamese ornamental bird is quite small, just equal to or smaller than the lark, but in return they are a bird. of the best song birds. Therefore, people often liken singers with high voices to nightingales.
birds in vietnam
However, not all children sing well, some with a slightly hoarse, low voice will not be appreciated. The standard Nightingale must have a high, resonant voice and can sing a variety of sounds.
birds in vietnam
Nightingales often have yellow or chestnut feathers depending on the type and region where they live. To recognize this Vietnamese ornamental bird, look into their eyes. The Nightingale, regardless of the color of its feathers, always has a small white border around its eyes.

Hello Crested Bird

Hi Cock is also one of the ornamental birds often kept in the house that is loved by many people. This bird lives in flocks, eating small insects and fruits. When nesting, they will wrap straw fibers, small trees into the shape of a small cup.
birds singing
The easiest identifying feature of this Vietnamese ornamental bird is the triangular crest that protrudes above the head. Perhaps that is why the name Hello Mao was born. The feathers are light brown, darkest on the head and crest.
starling birds
In Vietnam, there are more than 20 different types of Hello Cress such as: Hue, Bach, Queen, albino, etc. If you are wondering what kind of bird to keep in your home, you can refer to this bird.


As one of the small ornamental birds popularly raised in Vietnam, the Chick Choe has a small body and leaping feet on the trees. This bird often sings at midday or late at night, so it is often raised in public places such as cafes, bird gardens, etc.
ornamental birds
In Vietnam, there are two common species of Chick Choe, which are Chick Choe Than and Chick Choe Lua. These two small species are quite similar but still have a few minor differences.
beautiful birds singing
The Choe Than Warbler is black almost all over, with only two long streaks on the wings and the belly is white. The Fire Warbler is a little different in the yellow belly, where the body hair is just lighter in color for the female.


This is an ornamental bird with a variety of species and genera in the world and is popular when raising ornamental birds at home. Parrot's food is quite simple, usually nuts, fruits, plants, etc. But there are still a few species of parrots that can eat raw meat and carrion.
pet birds
The life time of this ornamental bird is very long, with the small ones it can be 20-30 years, the big ones are 60-80 years with proper care. When raising indoors, you should choose rectangular and square cages, avoid choosing round cages that make birds feel unsafe.
pet birds
Parrots are considered to be one of the most beautiful and intelligent birds that can mimic human voices. Parrot feathers are very bright and colorful, can be red, yellow, blue, etc. When raising this Vietnamese ornamental bird, you will have a hard time because they are still wild, messy, and refuse to listen to the teachings. of the owner.


Surely everyone knows the ornamental bird "Golden Photo Vang Anh" in the fairy tale Tam Cam. Belonging to the best song birds, Vang Anh bird is also known as Hoang Anh bird, with a beautiful singing voice that is easy to get into people's hearts.
the best song bird
The English Golden Bird is always prominent with its bright yellow feathers. Females and males will have a slightly different sheen. Vang Anh bird is also a type of worm in Vietnam, so it is often raised to kill worms and decorate.
kinds of ornamental birds in Vietnam
When raising, you should pay attention to the food for Vang An to avoid the bird being unfriendly to the owner. This ornamental bird is often evasive and appears shy if not well fed.

Starling Bird

Starlings are intelligent birds and can imitate human voices. However, starling birds in Vietnam are often quite aggressive, so to tame a starling bird must be a bird lover, with passion and patience.
the best song birds
Belonging to beautiful ornamental birds, it is not difficult to see this bird in the house of birders in Vietnam. Food for starling birds is also quite easy to find such as insects, locusts, rice, etc. If you keep them in a cage, you should feed bananas, peanuts mixed with eggs, rice, etc., then it will be reasonable.
Common pet birds
There are about 30 different starling species in the world, but the most common are the yellow-billed blue starling, the black starling and the brown starling. Each species has a slight difference in shape, coat color and eating habits.


The types of ornamental birds in Vietnam often have small bodies, the Khuu bird is also among them. This bird has a prominent crest, while the eyes and crest are black connected together, looking quite mysterious. The feathers of the Babbler often have brown or dark brown, depending on the genera in the species.
pet birds at home
This Vietnamese ornamental bird often lives in small flocks in mountainous areas, nesting in bushes, covered or cup-shaped. In Vietnam, there are two popular types of Khuu Mun and Khuu O.
beautiful birds singing
When raising a bird, you should not keep it in an iron cage because if the bird pecks, bites or touches it, it is very difficult to heal.

Cuckoo Cuckoo

Continuing to be one of the beautiful singing birds, the cuckoo bird has a song that is compared to the sound of a bamboo flute, which sounds very sacred. You will meet this Vietnamese ornamental bird in the quiet countryside. The food of the Cuckoo bird is usually rice, beans, sesame, insects, etc.
What birds should be kept in the house?
Among small ornamental birds, the Cuckoo has a fairly common feather color, which is gray. However, the distinguishing feature of this species is the white spots dotted on the neck and wing feathers. The bird's belly is very light brown, soft and spongy when touched.
beautiful birds
The eyes of the cuckoo are reddish brown, the eyelids are also that color, so they look very sharp. This ornamental bird has a beautiful voice, so it is often kept as an ornamental in the house, garden or natural cafes, ...


Chim Khuyen is one of the most kept small ornamental birds in Vietnam thanks to its beautiful feather color and beautiful song. The body of Khuyen bird is small and fits in the hand of an adult. The head of the bird is quite large compared to the body, the forehead is wide and high, the eyes are slightly slanted, with a white border around the eyes.
worm birds in Vietnam
The feathers of Khuyen are usually bright yellow or greenish-gray on the wings. In particular, this beautiful bird is also capable of imitating the singing of some other birds such as the magpie. The food of this bird is mainly insects, nectar, small fruits, …
the most expensive dove
In Vietnam, there are two common species of Khuyen, Green and Yellow. If a bird has a mutant feather color, it will be very expensive. As the title of the most expensive falcon belongs to Mr. Ly Hung Tu's bird (Hanoi), which has been bid up to 10,300 USD.

Bird's Nest

Among the birds in Vietnam, the Yen Phung bird is a bird with a beak, sharp beak, round and big eyes. Those who keep ornamental birds are often very interested and want to own a bird of Yen Phung. In particular, people often raise Yen Phung in pairs and raise them in large cages for the best development of birds.
play birds
Birds nest often eat plants such as salads, vegetables, water spinach. When raising ornamental birds like Yen Phung, you should pay attention to bathing them regularly to keep them clean and healthy. This bird can speak human, but it takes a long time to train them.
small ornamental birds
Yen Phung is a small line in the Parrot family, so it has colorful feathers like Parrots, but the body and beak are smaller. There are about 50 different species of bird's nest in the world today.


This ornamental bird is not too brilliant but possesses a simple and pleasant beauty. The feathers are pencil gray, the head and tail are dark black, but the middle of the belly and chest are white.
Vietnamese ornamental birds
In general, this is an easy bird to raise, not too expensive, moreover, it is a beautiful song bird, so it is very popular with pet birds.
birds in vietnam
This Vietnamese ornamental bird usually lives in densely populated areas, fields, etc., where there are many sources of food and water. Each time of spawning, the magpie usually lays 3-8 eggs in April-August every year.
Are these suggestions enough for you when buying house birds? Hope you find the right bird to your liking!