The baby boy is more than 7 months old weighing 15kg, the mother tells the story of raising the baby very leisurely, without having to buy any formula milk

The baby boy was exclusively breastfed until 6.5 months old, then started to eat 2 meals of porridge with vegetables per day.

When raising children, every mother wants her baby to be healthy, plump and well developed. However, sometimes how children develop depends on their ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, there are many children who are carefully cared for by their grandparents and parents, but are still stunted. On the contrary, many babies keep gaining weight steadily even though the diet is not too picky. The story of the boy below is a clear example.

Ms. Thu Ha, who is currently living and working in Quy Nhon city, is the mother of Nguyen Hoang Minh Dat, who is now more than 7 months old. When he was born, Minh Dat weighed 3.5kg and now, the boy weighs 15.3kg, his body is chubby and plump, his face is round like a plate, his cheeks are chubby like a dumpling, his limbs are looking "baby" want to faint".

When he was born, Minh Dat weighed 3.5kg.

Ms. Ha said that after giving birth, she regularly drank cereals for milk every day, so she had a lot of milk to feed her baby and did not have to buy a box of formula for her baby. She breastfed her baby exclusively until the baby was 6.5 months old, then started to introduce solid foods. Currently, every day, Minh Dat drinks 5 servings of milk and eats 2 meals of porridge with vegetables. 

Minh Dat is very good, not fussy. From the age of 2 months, the boy stopped feeding at night, slept through the night from 10 pm to 6 am the next morning, the time of eating and sleeping was the same as that of an adult, so it was not too hard for Ha to take care of the baby. 

Although quite chubby, Minh Dat's development stages are normal, even earlier than many other babies. At 3 and a half months, the boy could turn over and at 5 and a half months he could sit firmly, at 7 months is had 4 teeth. 

The boy is very handsome, chubby looking "I want to faint". 

Not only that, Minh Dat is also very active, mischievous, knows how to do many things, holds things very firmly, all day loves to talk and talk with people non-stop. 

The pictures of a handsome son shared by Ha on social networks have attracted a lot of attention from everyone, especially nursing mothers. Many mothers expressed interest in the boy's handsome, lovely, and indebted appearance and asked for the secret of Ha's child-rearing. Besides, there are also many mothers who suggest that when the baby can crawl and walk, she can let her baby exercise more so that the baby is agile and does not gain too much weight. 

Ha herself also noticed that her children gained weight quickly, so she limited cooking porridge with many nutrients for her children, instead she mainly cooked porridge with vegetables and tubers. However, the young mother did not feel too worried, she thought that because her mother's milk was good, the baby could be a little more plump. Later, when the baby is older, can walk, exercise a lot and wean breast milk, the baby will be firm again. 

The baby boy is more than 7 months old and weighs 15kg, the mother tells the story of raising the baby very leisurely, without having to buy any formula milk - Photo 4.

Minh Dat drinks breast milk exclusively until the baby is 6.5 months old.

The baby boy is more than 7 months old weighing 15kg, the mother tells the story of raising the baby very leisurely, without having to buy any formula milk - Photo 5.

After that, the boy started eating solid foods with 2 additional meals of vegetable porridge a day.

The baby boy is more than 7 months old weighing 15kg, the mother tells the story of raising the baby very leisurely, without having to buy any formula milk - Photo 6.

7 months and 9 days old, Minh Dat weighs 15.3kg.

The baby boy is more than 7 months old and weighs 15kg, the mother tells the story of raising the baby very leisurely, without having to buy any formula milk - Photo 7.

The boy's mother is not too worried, she thinks that because the mother has good milk, the baby will be plumper, when the baby grows up, it will be firmer.