The cuteness and cuteness of the twins is something you can't deny and you'll be even more surprised when the parents are a same-sex couple.

Taking pictures of children is a hobby of any parent. However, it is difficult for you to ask a toddler to stand still and pose as you want. Maybe you can just hold the camera in your hand, and capture every fleeting but heart-wrenching moment that the kids inadvertently create. And this is also the "strategy" for Juliet Cannici and his wife, Nikki, to create a beautiful set of twins : Nico - Siena, almost 3 years old and Gia - Gemma, 2 weeks old.

As a professional photographer, owner of Fanpage: West on Jade Photography with more than 7,500 followers, Cannici easily makes lovely photos for Nico and Siena. However, it is very difficult to photograph these large twins with the new twins born on January 26, 2017. Because children are too hyperactive and do not follow their parents' orders. Cannici shared on the Scary Mommy page that they had fully planned, but unfortunately everything did not go as planned.

Melting before the image of a family with up to two twins - Photo 1.
Melting before the image of a house with up to two twins - Photo 2.

Gemma and Gia in the arms of Nico and Siena.

Cannici confided: “At first, I tried to create the concept that the big twins would sit and hold the baby… but that completely failed. I had to let the kids rest for 30 minutes, then bring them back to the studio, leaving them free to pose and choose their own photo ideas. It all happened within two minutes. In exchange for those bright, natural smiles, I had to say "super stupid" things to make me laugh.

And it seems, Gia and Gemma felt those sweet things, so in their own photo shoots, the two children were very obedient, showing their cuteness through each picture.

Melting before the image of a house with up to two twins - Photo 3.


Melting before the image of a house with up to two sets of twins - Photo 4.
Melting before the image of a house with up to two twins - Photo 5.
Melting in front of the image of a family with up to two sets of twins - Photo 6.

Gia and Gemma - identical twins, obedient, lovely.

Although only one photo was taken of all four children, the gay couple Cannici - Nikki were also extremely happy. Speaking to Parents, Cannici said: “Nico and Siena have shown love for their babies since they were still in the womb. Both children are gentle with me, always hoping that I can eat quickly so that I can play skiing and sledding with my siblings soon."

She also added that Gemma and Gia's birth was a big surprise for her and her husband. Because she and her husband had medical intervention, they had a lovely set of twins, Nico and Siena. However, she could not believe that in the second conception, she and her husband also had another set of twins, which were identical twins. Two babies are like two drops of water. “My wife Nikki and I prayed throughout the pregnancy for healthy babies. We never imagined we would have four children under the age of three at the same time.”

Melting before the image of a family with two sets of twins - Photo 7.

Nico - Siena.

Melting before the image of a family with up to two twins - Photo 8.

Nikki poses with her two young children.

She also hopes that the image of her family's twins will be spread and bring joy to others, especially gay couples who are in the process of "finding children": Our story went viral on the internet. At the same time, we are available to answer any questions from same-sex couples trying to conceive. So don't hesitate."