The Deeply Moving Emotions Evoked by the Icon of Motherhood and Breastfeeding


After showcasing a series of photographs that showcased pregnant mothers embracing their bodies amidst nature, the talented American female photographer, Ivette Ives, now presents another remarkable collection. This new set of captivating photos focuses on the theme of mothers breastfeeding in nature while confidently baring their tops. The images quickly gained widespread attention, not only among her peers but also received thousands of likes and comments on personal Facebook accounts and various online platforms.b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y

Ivette Ives, a mother of two, has nurtured a passion for photography since her early days, though she never anticipated it turning into a career. However, once she became a mother herself, her focus shifted towards capturing the beautiful moments of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. When asked about her inspiration, Ivette shared that she started photographing breastfeeding after encountering online debates about whether mothers should breastfeed in public. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y. For her, breastfeeding is an entirely natural and instinctive act for a mother, so she embarked on this photography journey to express her viewpoint and showcase the beauty of these moments.

Captured by the talented American photographer, Ivette Ives, this photo series beautifully portrays the intimate moments of breastfeeding. Ivette candidly shares her own experience, revealing that breastfeeding can often make a mother feel disheveled, uncomfortable, and even painful. However, beneath the surface, every woman experiences a unique set of emotions – joy, happiness, and an indescribable feeling of fulfillment. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y Despite the challenges, Ivette explains that every time she breastfeeds her baby, even amidst stained shirts and messy hair, she still feels like a superhero, and breastfeeding becomes a supernatural force within her.

Fueled by her deep passion for breastfeeding, she embarked on a mission to celebrate the beauty of nursing mothers through photography. During the creation of this remarkable collection, the female photographer and the breastfeeding mothers persevered through cold and even snowy weather to capture these extraordinary images. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y. Their goal was to convey a powerful message: that mothers should feel empowered to nourish their babies with breast milk anytime, anywhere, without hesitation or constraint.

Ivette, a devoted mother of two, is currently nurturing her second child through breastfeeding, just as she did with her eldest, who was breastfed until the age of three. Without hesitation or reservation, she proudly feeds her babies wherever she finds herself, whether it's at churches, parties, farmers’ fairs, or high-end designer boutiques. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y.According to her strong belief, mothers should feel empowered to breastfeed their babies whenever and wherever the need arises. She wholeheartedly encourages mothers to trust their instincts and continue breastfeeding for as long as their babies require, as she firmly believes that infants inherently know when it's time to wean.b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y

Ivette has an exciting project in store for this year – a photo book titled Breastfeeding Goddesses. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y. This book will showcase a stunning collection of her captivating breastfeeding photos, which she has captured over time. These remarkable images, taken amidst various weather conditions, including cold and snowy settings, exude a strong connection with nature.

The core message that the female photographer aims to convey to everyone is the importance of breastfeeding freely and without hesitation, embracing the natural process of nourishing a baby. She strongly emphasizes that there is nothing superior to breast milk when it comes to promoting babies' health and overall well-being.

To sum up, Ivette Ives, driven by her profound passion for pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding photography, remains dedicated to using her artistic talent to honor and advocate for the beauty and significance of breastfeeding. b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y Through her captivating photographs, she seeks to empower mothers to fully embrace and cherish the intimate bond they share with their babies, regardless of time or place. The forthcoming release of her photo book, Lactation Goddesses, is poised to be a powerful tribute to the magnificence of breastfeeding, skillfully captured through the lens of her camera.b-a-b-y-b-a-b-y