The most dangerous birds on the planet_ brid lovers


You should never tease these dangerous birds if you don't want to pay a heavy price.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
Blakiston owl, the world's largest owl with an extremely wide wingspan of up to 2m. This is also an extremely rare species of owl, found in Northeast Asia. With a wide wingspan, strong flight strength, and a large and hard beak and claws, you should think carefully when you intend to tease this dangerous bird.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The Martial Eagle, one of the largest eagles on the planet, lives mainly in the Sahara Desert. They are one of the most powerful raptors in the world, and if healthy they have no natural enemies.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The white shouldered eagle (Steller's Sea Eagle) lives mainly in the coastal areas of North Asia, is a large bird of prey and is also the largest eagle in the world today with an average weight of 5 to 9 kg with a wingspan of 1.95 to 2.5 m. As an adult, this eagle has almost no enemy that can match its precise and powerful death pecks.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The crested ostrich is a running bird. The body is about 1.2m high, has wings but can't fly, can only run. However, the crested ostrich can jump and swim very well. Do not foolishly tease them, once this species becomes aggressive and out of control, they will make those who dare to tease them to regret.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The ostrich is the largest flightless bird on Earth. They are found on the savannas of Africa. Ostriches are also the tallest birds on Earth, they can grow up to 2.8 meters tall and run at more than 70km/h. If you can outrun them, think about fiddling with them.

Bird Emu
Another representative of the ostrich family makes this list, the Australian desert ostrich also known as the Emu bird . Although not as large as the African ostrich, in terms of size, Emu is still a real giant in the bird world, with an average weight of 40-50 kg. Although the Emu's main food is plants and small animals, when needed, the Emu can still launch kicks with the ability to pierce the abdomen of large animals (thanks to its three sharp claws). Cases of Emu causing death are really rare. However, the number of human injuries caused by Emu attacks is quite high, mainly in wildlife parks, Emu farms, zoos, with the number up to hundreds of cases per year.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The Harpy Eagle is the largest bird of prey found in the Americas and one of the largest extant species of eagles in the world. Thanks to the largest set of talons of any eagle, the Harpy eagle hunts most small to medium sized animals, mainly sloths and monkeys, in addition to porcupines, squirrels, marsupials, anteaters, and even raccoons.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
Philippine Eagle, this is an eagle famous for its diet. They love to eat baby monkeys, with an amazing wingspan of up to 2.2 meters, it is rare for a baby monkey to be targeted by this eagle that has a chance to survive.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The bearded vulture is a unique bird of prey in the genus Gypaetus and is also one of the largest carnivorous vultures on earth. With a massive 1.2m appearance and a terrible wingspan of up to 3m, the bearded vulture can really scare anyone who sees it for the first time.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
The Andes Falcon or Collared Vulture is a species of bird in the New World Vulture Family. They are birds with a majestic wingspan of up to 3.1m and extremely powerful sharp beaks.

The most dangerous birds on the planet
Bald eagle, an animal that is so famous for its extremely fierce air battles, wide wingspan, sharp claws and extremely sharp eyes, this eagle is truly the lord of the sky.

Lammergeier vulture
Lammergeier is the name of a type of vulture
 with an eagle-like appearance that lives in the rocky areas of Central Asia, East Africa, Spain. Lammergeier vulture possesses a large body. In adults, the wingspan can reach nearly 3 meters and the body length is more than 1 meter. It is quite fortunate for us as well as many other animals that this "terrible" bird only eats carrion, especially bones! This eating preference also formed a well-known behavior of Lammergeier. Specifically, when they find a piece of bone from an animal that has been butchered, they will grab this bone and fly to a height of about 80 meters and then drop it on the flat stone floor below, in order to break the bone structure to enjoy the delicious greasy marrow inside.

Big horned owl
The vast majority of recorded owls attack humans are due to the reason they protect their young or their territory. Also in these cases, most of the victims were walkers/joggers, mountain climbers. Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)is currently the top species in the criminal record mentioned above. In 2012 alone, a significant number of people reported being attacked by a great horned owl swooping down from a tree, in parks. In 2015, in Oregon, USA, a large horned owl repeatedly attacked a pedestrian on the head. Fortunately, the victim was able to escape not long after. Besides being more aggressive than the other members, what makes the Great Horned Owl such a formidable attacker is its massive body size and innate weapons. Specifically, when mature, the large horned owl can be up to 60 cm long, with a wingspan of more than 2 meters. The large horned owl's claws, which they often use to grab large prey, have a force of up to 500 psi (equivalent to the snap of a large dog). Not stopping there, great horned owl,

Striped owl
Another member of the owl family that is just as dangerous as the great horned owl mentioned above is the striped feather owl . As an adult, this bird can weigh up to 0.8 kg, with a wingspan of 1.1 meters. Like its relatives, the striped owl is the culprit in many hikers and hikers being attacked. There have even been cases where the striped owl was the main contributor to a person's death. Specifically, in 2011, a striped owl is said to have attacked a woman in a drunken state, causing multiple wounds to the head, face and wrists. Although the attack was not life-threatening, after the victim fled into the house, she tripped on the stairs and broke her neck leading to her death.