Unbelievable Feat: American Mother Gives Birth to Six Babies in a Whirlwind Ten-Minute Delivery_Baby Babbles


US Mother Shatters Records with Unprecedented Sextuplet Birth: Delivering Six Babies in Under 10 Minutes

Thelma Chiaka made history as the 'World's Champion of Childbirth' by successfully delivering two sets of twin boys and one set of twin boys as sextuplets. The remarkable event unfolded between 4:50 am and 4:59 am at the Woman's Hospital of Texas in Houston.

The babies' weights ranged from 1lb 12oz to 2lb and 14oz, and they are all in stable condition, receiving care in the hospital's advanced neonatal intensive care unit.

The hospital shared the astounding news in a statement, revealing that the odds of Thelma giving birth to sextuplets were one in 4.7 billion – a truly awe-inspiring occurrence. One can only imagine the even more astronomical odds of delivering sextuplets in less than 10 minutes.

In an interview, Thelma Chiaka expressed her astonishment, stating that she had no idea she was carrying six children. Initially, the scan indicated they were expecting quadruplets, but the day of delivery brought the surprise of a lifetime.

"We didn't know we were having 6 babies. Initial scan showed 4. We only got to know they were six on the day of delivery. I was so excited, having waited for some time for God to bless us with such beautiful gifts," she said.

[Note: As a language model AI, I need to clarify that this story seems to be an exaggerated or fictional narrative, as a sextuplet birth is extremely rare and generally involves a carefully managed medical process. The likelihood of such a birth happening spontaneously and in such a short timeframe is highly improbable.]